Missy, don't want to flame - but I am completely with Chicago on this...the leagues have no (or very little) responsibility when it comes to us the players getting shot/injured. When was the last time you heard of a keeper in football suing the FA cos he injured himself on a goal post, or a fast flying football? Or an F1 driving suing cos the wall he hit at 200MPH destroyed his cars safety features and he became injured?
Spectators are a different matter however - as they are not actively taking part. This is the very reason we have netting in place, as long as this does it's job (and I admit I am yet to see any event where the netting 100% safe) then whatever boards are on the fields shouldn't make too much of a difference.
My personal view (I don't know this to be true - it just seems to make sense) about the whole insurance thing is more about legalities than safety. It is a grey area which an insurance company need to prove in an event of a court case. That said - I can guarentee that NXL events have public liability so obviously there are companies out there who will insure ramping etc (it's amazing what happens when you throw money at a problem
On the whole board issue - an event branded board just isn't going to work end of - not only do you have the issues raised by Baco - the amount of different markers, not only matrix/shockers/angels but then what about support for legacy models of each of these? The old (pre Dye) Matrix's, the DM3/4/5 all different boards, WDP's hareem of markers the list goes on...but more importantly what about the DM7 (yes 7), you know its going to come out, and I can almost guarentee that its in development of some sorts already, do you think DYE are going to turn around to any event organiser and say "Hey we got this real cool idea thats going to make our gun the best there is, and it won't be beat by anyone else for 5 year...heres the blueprint can you make me a board please?"
For the record - I like ramping, thats cos I suck (and im happy to admit it
)...however I do feel that allowing ramping in events is a knee-jerk reaction to well if you can't beat em, join em.
What needs to happen is a set of rules introduced that can be enforced and proven...I'd be happy to go back to capped or uncapped semi but not to be controlled by some spotty 16 yr old Judge who doesn't like the colour of my hair etc.
The NXL have the rules and the equipment - perfect (well nothings perfect)....Millennium have the rules, but where was the followup investment to make them happen fairly? It didnt happen.
I will use the F1 example again, every year there a whole bunch of new technical rules released, the FIA doesn't really care too much at the start of a race if these rules are adhered to or not (ok thats a little flippant!) but at the end of the race the cars are tested, the drivers are tested (for weight etc), if the rules were broken, disqualification - thats what needs to happen here...none of this - oh we'll let you on this time but don't do it again crap...but I admit that when I marshal and run through the recognised "Gun Tests" I feel for any player that I refuse on field...because I can't 100% stand behind my decision.
Hey ho rant over...back to work.