![GI Team Colors](https://i.imgur.com/St7FKkA.gif)
I think ramping with 5-6 needed to cut in. Lot's of people who understand tech for checking this who I will conceed to though.Gun Rules
5 Man basis for everyone with a buzzer at each end. Open domestic tournaments use 5 man in current way with teams playing all on their division on a day. Aimed at new, less organised teams. Seasonal Locked Divisional Domestic tournies playing a best of 5 or 7 against a few teams in your division each month. By end of season you have played all your matches. Maybe top Div playes full X-Ball and Div 2 X-Ball LiteFormat-
International tournies - X-Ball for Pro's, Lite for Div 1 and have Div 2 for local experienced teams playing one off and Div 3 for inexperienced teams.
Lock the International Pro Div and Div 1 with entry based on results in an accredited domestic league. Locked leagues provided with more places as these teams should be showing a more professional approach by commiting to a whole season and thus to be encouraged. This also creates a vehicle to have domestic tournies comply with International rule set if they want to be allocated Locked Div spaces. If we assume teams want to get there they will tell their local tournies to become compliant or go elsewhere if they don't. This will also mean top Pro team need to play an accredited Domestic to get their spot adding credibilty to the Domestic scene.Do we need to create a whole interlinking regional and local structure too?
I could go into a more detailed version of above with a more in depth analysis of above if anyone thinks the gist of it has any merit?
4 Internationals on each side of the Pond to decide European and US rankings. And then a two legged World Cup at the end of the season at each side of the Pond for World Championships.How many events?
***Player Registration***
Yes in all locked domestic and International events. Make transfers take 60 days to prevent experienced players guesting for different teams on a monthly basis. Force domestic leagues to use the new Universal registration if they want to be compliant and receive spots for their teams in the locked divisions.