I my opinion I saw a lot more very good calls and only one bad.
Marshalling a tourney of this level is flipping hard work, as anyone who has done it will agree.
I have marshalled a few tourneys ( M25 league and the winter series ) and am the first to admit I was not flawless with my calls at all times. You can only call it as you see it and if you make a mistake then admit to it and put it right ( if possible ).
I did witness a incident on Sunday when a team member that was sitting out a game shouted at a marshall on field 2 when he failed to spot a hit on the top of a players hopper during a paint check.
Instead of being glad he been assisted with the call, he got verbal with the guy outside the netting.
Tough call if its your team on the field screaming at the marshall where the hit is and he puts the guy back in with the hit still on has hopper.
As I say really tough call, but could you keep a lid on it in a simular position ????
This was however the only incident I saw to question great reffing on all three fields all day long, and I do mean long.
Big up to all the Marshalls and other staff who worked there asses off.

Marshalling a tourney of this level is flipping hard work, as anyone who has done it will agree.
I have marshalled a few tourneys ( M25 league and the winter series ) and am the first to admit I was not flawless with my calls at all times. You can only call it as you see it and if you make a mistake then admit to it and put it right ( if possible ).
I did witness a incident on Sunday when a team member that was sitting out a game shouted at a marshall on field 2 when he failed to spot a hit on the top of a players hopper during a paint check.
Instead of being glad he been assisted with the call, he got verbal with the guy outside the netting.
Tough call if its your team on the field screaming at the marshall where the hit is and he puts the guy back in with the hit still on has hopper.
As I say really tough call, but could you keep a lid on it in a simular position ????
This was however the only incident I saw to question great reffing on all three fields all day long, and I do mean long.
Big up to all the Marshalls and other staff who worked there asses off.