Nick Brockdorff said:I mean no offence to anyone here.... but trust me when I say, I know a little bit about how a good X-Ball coach works his snake.... and I believe all the british teams are failing in this field of expertise at the moment.... the wins the British teams get, are gotten despite the coaches, more than because of them... where the opposite can be said for trams like Joy, Tonton and Menace.
Well, none of those examples cover in-game coaching - they all relate to the ability of the PLAYERS - which should quite obviously have an impact on the outcome of a game.If half of the basketball teams didn't have anoyne who could shoot freethrows, would you take freethrows out of the game? If two soccer teams play and one has a goalie who can't block shots, wouldn't you expect that team to lose?
Bilster said:are you saying everybody that agrees with coaching " like me " has an unsophisticated opinion?
Well, personally I am not convinced the "can of worms" is entirely a bad thing.... worms catch fishNick : Maybe you are right about the can of worms but if it can be done, it can be undone and I can't imagine any change in Paintball (apart from going from pump to semi) that is irreversible, all it takes is balls and some common sense.
With the Millennium at least going thru the motions of telling us they have turned a new leaf, I think they should at least canvass the pros to see what the base opinion is...but this maybe academic anyways because the main dynamic is gonna be Stateside driven anyway.
I quite like your idea of banning sideline coaching as we have now, shifting the spectator line back and so everything gets lost amid the shouting anyway.Nick Brockdorff said:Well, personally I am not convinced the "can of worms" is entirely a bad thing.... worms catch fish
If we went back, we would effectively ban any form of spectator participation, and I think that development has been great for the sport.
It may be academic, but that does not mean I will not have my say, now that the debate is opened up on this fine forum... and every now and then, I am actually right you know
I think the perfect solution is one where you limit the effects of coaching, but keep the current spectator involvement.