I can tell you two teams that will be marshalling amsterdam and that is mayhem TIGERS and BACKLASH who will show what unbiased marshalling is. but if tonton have a bad call it will be due to biased marshalls ( will they say that
i hear retribution said for what when enemy fixed a game and got caught (no english team complained sorry eurotrash said they did but it was the marshalling/judging staff) so why retribution (sorry al just making a point)
on a point that was made from camp masters how or why was a team let to shoot at the dead players who where standing in the dead box and no marshalls done anything about it. maybe the marshalls did not know the rules so should they really marshall a major event or was it JUST BIASED MARSHALLS (maybe tontons would like to reply or any marshall
sorry to all the people that run the event but just some major points to raise and all we want is fair marshalling when we play in france or do you not want us to play in france (are the brits that good)