I dont really get it?
Im sorry, I dont really understand what the big deal is?
Bare with me and explain please.
1. What have changed from this season? Why would the NPPL have a problem with PSP and Millennium starting a "world federation" or whatever they call it?
2. Why would the vendors not choose to sponsor the NPPL? The vendors goes where the sales are. They go to World cup and/or Denver etc if they feel they will sell products. Huntington, Denver, San Diego was crazy busy for most vendors. And im sure alot of the PSP events was to. I dont think a federation will have any pull on the decision where to put up a tradestand.
And I may be totally wrong here, but isnt it possible that this federation thing is a attempt to force a format ( xball )on all of us?
And by that getting a better position on the competition?
Maybe NPPL should start a "world 7 man federation"?
And can someone please tell us what format we will play in Europe next year? We are now practicing 3-man 5-man 7-man and according to sources Jerry is pushing hard for 10 man