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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I disagree

Originally posted by TJ Lambini
NPPL still has a pocket card to play - tha ESPN deal. You gotta think that they are talking to outside companies on a daily basis, and that those talks include a showreel of tha ESPN footing and a list of times and dates for when tha episodes are gonna be shown.

I don't see what has happened as any more or less of a hit to tha NPPL than when Millennium decided to play XBall in 2004.

We still need to see who jumps where within the industry when it comes to league sponsorship. And how many companies can afford not to have a vendor presence at HB?

I think there are still a lotta rounds to play...what are you gonna do with nexus Robo? Stick or twist?
There was nothing to disagree TJ with as I had already mentioned outside sponsorship and TV deals as a contingency to these options.
Anyways, the sposnor profile for next year with regard to the NPPL is gonna be hit, it just remains to be seen by how much.
What is sure is, the sympathetic response the PSP industry guys displayed in terms of supporting the NPPL is now hardening due to the breakdown.
'Other' companies have also been muttering in dark corners that their support will diminish, could all be BS but what I will say is this, in times of hardship, and undoubtedly the US is going thru such a time, it doesn't take too much of an excuse to swerve a 125,000 dollar platinum sponsor presence......especially when the alternative is much cheaper.

As for what Nexus will do?
I will do what needs to be done to protect my team and to optimise its interests.
I will play both the NPPL and the Millennium and although the split format will ultimately hurt me because we have already learnt you can't play differing formats and still maintain optimum performance levels in either but I have no other option.

I basically tread water for a year and by start 2007, I can then concentrate on one format, whatever that may be :)
Ah, OK...the bit I was disagreeing with was: "The NPPL have only two options as I see it, they either put a squib up their ass and get back to the integration table or they adopt an XBall 5 man format or similar."

I think they have a third option, and that's to roll on excatly as they are - and that's what I think they'll do. I am just waiting for an announcement that's gonna put a spin on everything all over again...I can smell it coming. No, really...

Ain't you a lil worried that splitting your efforts could cost you your 18 spot? Cos once that's gone it ain't coming back - and you have zero chance of getting into tha NXL, so even splitting your efforts is a high-risk strategy.

Tough call...


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by TJ Lambini
Ah, OK...the bit I was disagreeing with was: "The NPPL have only two options as I see it, they either put a squib up their ass and get back to the integration table or they adopt an XBall 5 man format or similar."

I think they have a third option, and that's to roll on excatly as they are - and that's what I think they'll do. I am just waiting for an announcement that's gonna put a spin on everything all over again...I can smell it coming. No, really...

Ain't you a lil worried that splitting your efforts could cost you your 18 spot? Cos once that's gone it ain't coming back - and you have zero chance of getting into tha NXL, so even splitting your efforts is a high-risk strategy.

Tough call...
It's all abourt risk analysis at this stage and choosing the lesser of evils. With my team as is, even if we don't play on all cylinders we will still qualify for both leagues I think because if I thought any different then obviously my strategy would differ.
We played terrible last year and still ended up 12th.
Chuck is apparently over here now, no doubt locked in talks with Ged so it will be interesting to see if any press release is forthcoming.
That meeting is I think crucial to how the NPPL continues this year.

As for zero chance of getting into the NXL......maybes...but then again .. :).


Pastor of Muppets
Aug 11, 2002
Your guys didn't play terrible in 2005, Robbo, they played terrible in 2004. They were inconsistent this year.

And Lane, when you start talking about Keely and ointment, I am not sure whether to be kinda jazzed or grossed out, but if Nick is going to be involved, I am leaning toward the latter.

Steve Hancock

Free man!
Aug 7, 2003
Birmingham (UK)
If the up-shot of this is a move towards more power being in the hands of not-for-profit, democratic, independent of industry, publicly answerable bodies then I would be very pleased...

...but more than a little surprised.

I do see the place of private promoters in paintball, I just think the governance of a sport should be separate from the personal interests of the powerful few. If the people making the decisions have personal business interests to consider, then what is best for paintball might not always be what happens.

Power to the people! :p

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Originally posted by Steve Hancock
If the up-shot of this is a move towards more power being in the hands of not-for-profit, democratic, independent of industry, publicly answerable bodies then I would be very pleased...

...but more than a little surprised.

I do see the place of private promoters in paintball, I just think the governance of a sport should be separate from the personal interests of the powerful few. If the people making the decisions have personal business interests to consider, then what is best for paintball might not always be what happens.

Power to the people! :p
I think that would be Power to the Federations, Hancock. ;) Which may or may not represent the peeps and despite Chi-town's seemingly being enamored of this idea nobody will have any real idea just what it will amount to until the federations are formed.

On the plus side it could end up being a mechanism that does serve the interests of the Game and everyone involved but in order to be that it will have to have the active participation of peeps who support that outcome. It won't be good enough to say this is swell, hurrah for Pball and then give up the power involved due to the same old apathy.

Re: Where goes the NPPL now? I'm with Teej but am sanguine as to the impact of the ESPN deal until it's broadcast. The fact boatloads of video exists of Miami doesn't mean squat after the NXL debacle and if I'm contemplating where to direct my resources I'm also looking closely at WGN and WPL to see if pball on TV now is having an impact. I also wonder if sponsors largely choose to try and split the difference with reduced monies if that isn't a serious blow to the NPPL.

LV 4 26

Millsy- Back Baby
Originally posted by LV 4 26 14/02/04
Soon we will be arguing and trying to unify the 5 different bodies

International Paintball Federation
World Paintball Federation
World Paintball Association
World Paintball Council
World Paintball Organisation

Then we could have the Intercontinental and international events for tournaments outside of the world rankings.

Hang on! ring a bell does it. looks like we are going down the same road as BOXING

I should have added United Paintball Federation, if I had thought of it at the time that would have been cool.:D