Hi guys
Im home now and feel ok in myself. Got some minor burns to my hands, very bloodshot eyes, my wrist feels like I have fallen on it and bent it back on its self (hurt like hell to type) grazed retina in my left eye and other cuts and bruises.
The tank was a Stako with the standard Pro-Toyz reg. The only difference it had was a airbourne filtered fill nipple that Kitch put on for me so it wasnt touched anyone that didnt know what they are doing. The reg was NOT loctited in and as far as I know all in good order, there was no way I flash filled it as I do warn others of the dangers of doing this. In NO WAY am I pointing fingers at anyone else or anyone at the freekz site.
Basically it was a freak accident, someone may of used oil before I went up but then we could all say things to blame others or even myself.
This willbe investigated by people who know a lot more than me as Iknow all you guys are not happy. I am just glad that no-one else was hurt. I would always wish it on myself before others.
Clompy, I am sorry for putting the ****s up you mate and hope you are ok.
I would like to thank everyone who was there, I cant name names as I was a bit out of it. I do remember shouting at Bluey to leave me alone and everyone else to chill out. I also remember my team mates and Richard (Herman) being there and helping. if I have forgotten anyone I am sorry.
I am also thankfull to all you guys for your kind words, I promise I wont ever moan the forums are quiet again.
Thanks to everyone, I did have a few thoughts in the hospital about calling it a day but I am sure I will be still hanging around.
we can point the fingers at as many people we lie and speculate about this that and the other but at the end of the day no one was seriously hurt and in the end it was only me

Thanks again guys
Ps, the guy who asked about the blanket, it is in my car as I had no shirt when I left the hospital. Let me know where to send it and I will

PPs. can anyone fix my EGO for me