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are paintballers too un-healthy?


UK Redskins
Oct 31, 2003
Essex, UK
you know your unhealthy when you go to help out at your 11 year old son's football training..........

Not only would I rather be interogated by the SS than do this again, I couldn't even breath after the warm up (first 5 mins).........:D :D :D

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
i dont think its a sport for unhealty people. if it was, there would be so many more deaths. think of the speed your heart ebats when you have the rush of muggin or shooting someone. all the oldies :p will be keeling over ;)
nah but seriously, i would expect a large proportion of the younger ballers to be participating in other sports weekly, plus many going to the gym or whatever they do.

luckily for me, im sensible and have never tried a cigarette, dont like beer, and have cut down on what i drank anyway (vodka)
the news years resolution was to get fitter, football training has helped, plus now jiu jitsu classes.

it all gives that advantage over an unfit, slower person, so why not if i have the chance.

i think youve got the wrong end of the boomstick (see what i did there)


New Member
For the most part, I don't think that paintballers are too unhealthy. However, I notice far more big (don't want to be offensive now) kids playing paintball seriously than any other sport. As far as adults go, that doesn't seem to be a problem. It might just be the staggering obesity rates in the US though.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2002
Nakatomi Plaza
I don't think we've got anything to worry about really...if darts players can call themselves athletes, (like Andy 'The Viking' Fordham) we're all safe ;) :D :)
Originally posted by mike from brum
plus now jiu jitsu classes.

Dude, be carefull, never done jiu jitsu myself but know 3 guys that have... all retired with knee injuries.

I think it is like all sports, even Saturday and Sunday football players are seen to have a fag before a game after swilling 10 largers the night before... just the further up the scale of play the more proffesional and fitter the player.

Paintball, I think by virtue of the different positions and types of players lends it's self to all shapes and sizes at all levels, but this is no reason to advocate an unproffesional approach to the game.

I think the PBUK mag is going to do an article on the team fitness issue with their fit man "Craig Twigg". Now they take the development of paintball seriously.

Now, must toss away me doughnut and fag then go for a jog. :D


Feb 27, 2003
i eat healthily, drink only once a week, and do 6 hours in the gym per week, i think that qualfifies me as being reasonably fit :)