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Ok Rooster

Dead lazy microwave healthy stuff,

Take one piece of kitchen paper see it has its uses, place 1 chicken breast some herbs I like tarragon but what rocks your boat, small strips of root veg ie carrotts, parsnips, or courgett ( or any small piece of veg but not potatoes) sort of chunky match stick size, a small dab of butter or drizzle of oil. Wrap up parcel, sprinkle with a very small amount of water and microwave for about 3- 5 minuets depending on size of chicken and how many vegies. Serve: arange on plate.

Volia poached chichen breast with julien of vegtables in aromatic herby butteryness

yummy with yet more veg ie salad for the trully heathly.

For the very lazy cous cous comes in packets too just boil kettle add butter pour on boiling water ignor for 5mins stir eat;)

or be supper vituious
1 pot, butter or oil, herbs / oninon chopped/ mushrooms ect get the drift...... heat add cous cous stir and water abaodon return in 5 mins ready to eat.

Dead lazy heathy microwave batchlor cooking only 1 pan to wash up and looks really flash takes 10 miniuets I kid you not. you can use that trick with fish too and vary the herbs.

Aspergus is amazing mircowaved:D

I have loads more ;)

peace love and healthy cooking if you have to of fancy it sparklie.

Cookies don't microwave :(

But carrot cake dose:D :D


Lord of the Ringtones
As to the making my own clothes, well, I can sew...will work on that a bit in the future too and start making some shirts that I think should be made right now but aren't. Hunt? Yep, and fish too. Granted that's not but a fraction of what ends up in my freezer but I do make some effort towards that, and I've enjoyed hunting and fishing since I was around 2 years old. Moonshine? I need to get back into that...home brewing beer is an option that's a bit easier and much more legal. Make my own paint? I'M A BACK PLAYER FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! That would take more time than I would have to work, cook, paintball, etc. unless they start making 30 hour days somehow appear on the calandar. Yeah, the instant everything has its limited place, but to a large extent it does irritate me in the way of people often not knowing how to do a lot of the things that most capable creatures that walk, swim, fly, or crawl across the planet can do for themselves and startlingly with less intelligence than humans, well, with a few exceptions. We are people, but we are animals too ya know.

Just face it not every one can be fabulose all of the time being highly talented can be a burden some times you get roped into all sorts.

Me I have fished once........ I lost the hook and it was all we had the boys wouldn't let me again. Don't go there with wild stuff but I can wring a neck if I have to:(

I even frighten yorkie I explained I have my own trowels if not some what out of use and can lay bricks all be it slowly.

All this and I cook ( and sew and knit ect .........:eek: )

Big hug sparklie


Lord of the Ringtones
Wow! Hrm...well, I would rather fancy making it over there again to take a trip up to Scotland to do some salmon fishing. Tying flies for fishing is another particularly good hobby of mine that I do from time to time for friends that are going somewhere fishing when I'm not, occasionally for my little brother's friends in Boy Scouts, people at the golf course that are travelling to do something else, or just when I see something in a magazine and think "Hey that looks like a winner. I don't see one in my flybox and I've got some time to kill." 5 minutes later voila, I have one, then depending on what time of day it is I might sit there and do 10 for the heck of it.

Other hidden talents of mine... I have a bit of a knack for untying knots, watching game shows and outscoring all the participants, doing crossword puzzles, and anything else I can do with my mind. Oh, and I have plenty of less than fabulous days too. Some days I wake up and forget my keys 3 times before I even get out the door! Last week I almost showed up to work with my face all lathered up in shave soap...fortunately I was early enough to where I zipped over to the corner store and bought a razor and shaved while waiting for the gate to the course to open!


Lord of the Ringtones
Let's see, things that I can't and/or won't do:

1. Play basketball. Just never picked it up because as a kid my hands were too small, or smaller than I wanted them to be. Whatever. It's not my thing and I think of it as being too boring and repetitive to watch unless it's someone I know personally playing.
2. Watch NASCAR. It's people driving around in circles, over and over again.
3. Take pills or similar stuff, that is, for recreational pyschological effect. I have alcohol, paintball, and other REALITY things for that. I do like to dance and listen to techno, though. Add a couple drinks and/or ladies to that and I don't need anything else for that.
4. Inhabit regions with extended periods of cold weather. I just don't like being cold. At all.
5. Drink cheap vodka.
6. Play the piano and guitar. I need to learn, but at the moment I have many other things on my schedule.
7. Dye my hair. I like it the way it is and see no reason to change. I like the way I look.
8. Wear glasses. They just get in the way of everything. I wear sunglasses about every day, but they're durable and comfortable and don't look stupid on me. Contacts I just put in and forget for a month or two.
9. Crochet or knit. Just haven't learned yet.
10. Mill. I'd like to, though.
11. Write on chalkboards. For some reason or another my hand has to be against something horizontal, and I hate that horrid scraping.
12. Bake cakes. I haven't tried that many times, so maybe I might be able to with practice.
13. Poach eggs. The stupid things just never seem to do anything but just sink to the bottom and stick to the pot. :(
14. Get my family to play paintball. They just sit there like little 3 year olds not wanting to eat their peas without even tasting one. It's very irritating that my mom and dad would watch every one of my high school football and soccer games then now that I can go far with this they don't even read a single bit of info about it or even make any attempt whatsoever to try it. They treat it like I changed religions or brought home a hooker with 20 facial piercings.

I guess I'm just one who likes to do a lot of stuff, and if it's something I don't know about and it crosses my path I sit down and learn about it or at least give it my best effort. Soon I will start learning to play golf, since I work at a golf course and need to learn it for business purposes. No I won't let it cut into paintballing...my weekends are exclusively set up for paintball. I'll golf when I get off from work at around 4 on the weekdays.