![/QUOTE]yea because you were all dead all the time!!!
Were talking winning tourniments not being cannon fodder in king of the hill with limited paint! Or playing a walkon day once every 6 to 8 months
Joy division winners of campagne cup dont use ions
Division 1 dont use ions!
Divison 2 dont use ions!
Division 3 you see the odd one usualy as a backup gun!But most dont use ions
Have you ever see olly lang use an ion No winners don't use crap! They work there way up
Because there not up to shooting 10,000 in a day as an owner of one I know there OKish but there not up to the same standards as there big brothers the shockers,Egos,Angels,Eblades and they definatly are $h1t by comparision with the DMs there CHEAP FOR A REASON THERE PLASTIC were out quickly and thats why to a fellow player id recomend buying the best rater than waste money on somthing better
Ions are a intermedate gun not a true tourniment gun if they were then they would not be so cheap.Try to keep your ion running when you use it twice a week or more shooting 18,000 rounds through it I garentee it will brake! in less than a month with out massive upgrades!}
you cant garentee anything my friend....and to be honest i cant be bothered with people like you,, but......
You might wanna check those facts you quote...
i know of sevaral teams and players that use them in all divs in the mill..
back up marker or not they are used and do the job..
at the end off the day it`s what you can afford.....
p.s ohters have already proved that some of the other fact about the markers you`ve posted are rubbish too....
Were talking winning tourniments not being cannon fodder in king of the hill with limited paint! Or playing a walkon day once every 6 to 8 months
Joy division winners of campagne cup dont use ions
Division 1 dont use ions!
Divison 2 dont use ions!
Division 3 you see the odd one usualy as a backup gun!But most dont use ions
Have you ever see olly lang use an ion No winners don't use crap! They work there way up
Because there not up to shooting 10,000 in a day as an owner of one I know there OKish but there not up to the same standards as there big brothers the shockers,Egos,Angels,Eblades and they definatly are $h1t by comparision with the DMs there CHEAP FOR A REASON THERE PLASTIC were out quickly and thats why to a fellow player id recomend buying the best rater than waste money on somthing better
Ions are a intermedate gun not a true tourniment gun if they were then they would not be so cheap.Try to keep your ion running when you use it twice a week or more shooting 18,000 rounds through it I garentee it will brake! in less than a month with out massive upgrades!}
you cant garentee anything my friend....and to be honest i cant be bothered with people like you,, but......
You might wanna check those facts you quote...
i know of sevaral teams and players that use them in all divs in the mill..
back up marker or not they are used and do the job..
at the end off the day it`s what you can afford.....
p.s ohters have already proved that some of the other fact about the markers you`ve posted are rubbish too....