Which one ?
The ego is the easyest to get hold of and to run with basic build and fast fire rates.But not every one gets along with them and they are daft quick 17 bps easy with out trying.Alot less hastle than most guns and it wont brake at a stupid time.you can pick up an 05 model for about £300
The G7 angel range are nice looking and fast as hell. Get a bank loan you will need it uses paint at a ridiculass rate.23bps. on un restricted ramping 31bps

dont even think about self servicing it!
The A1 is not as prity but even faster its very long though!The winners of the campagne cup use theses! FAST buggered the chrono up trying to messure fire rate. well rapid £800 you get loads of kit thrown in if you get it from the guys at bassits pole. Its very new.
The Dye matrix 05 fast but the 06 makes it look like an inferno loads more reliable stupidly fast another none self service marker.
Timmys are fun but to much agro on parts availabilty in the UK tempremental you get pulled on the chrono every time you go on the field.Due to there rater unique firing cycle.
Shockers drop off on fireing quickly ie all over on the chrono what ever paint you use. Feel rather flimsy not as bad as an Ion though at least it doesnt get its trigger shot off or fall apart during play!
The good old Eblades 13bps. Maintaining is dirt cheap and dirt cheap to buy £250 gets you the full set up air bottle and the rest of the kit on the classifieds little more for the later models.most of the teams around now use the ego from planet as its superb but you still see loads of these out there on a regular basis
Older angels Buy a spitfired one or an 05angel. Eyes and comparable fire rates.
The ION personaly I think the ion is to fragile to be usefull watch any tourny you will see At least 2 or 3 leak,brake the trigger off,lose the feed neck or start making a noise like a door bell ringing! If you buy one buy a new one £134 from smart parts dont buy a second hand one they dont last long! unless its had all the pants plastic bits replaced as well as the feed neck the trigger and the $h1ty barrel or save some cash and buy a shocker its a simlar design and might last a season they are mass produced so cheap but not great build quility.
your best bet is to try some out to see what suits you rather than what every one thinks is best I personaly cant get along with the ego but get along great with my cocker and all my angels and timmys as well as my mates dms 04 05 and 06 (the 6 is such a paint whore its unreal) There all very good weapons but price and use affect all in different ways.like use my markers every weekend and dont want to be having to senit back every time it brakes (SMART PARTS MARKER OWNERS KNOW THIS ALOT)Im not sponsered so I dont have limit less resources to keep fixing markers that dont work this is why my ION got binned because there cheap doesnt mean there great!