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Students Rioting today


Save a rock, throw an Ion
Nov 13, 2010
But how often do you see chelsea doing a walking protest because they lost on penalties to millwall? It's kind of irrelevant to compare the two... The actual students were here today to protest that these cuts will put a massive decrease on people who want a degree, which will have huge impacts on the future.
I don't agree with the violence that occurred today, i don't think anyone does really, apart from the dicks who went there with intentions to riot.

And in answer to your question, tax payers put up with "idiots like us" to put us through further education, because as i said before - we're here to learn because we want to. And the majority of the time, you all get your money back through the economy. If this entire country was run on a generation of GCSE educations, we'd all be pretty screwed.
If you're looking to someone to blame for eating all the country's taxes, start looking at the benefit frauds and cheats who just sit on the dole with a couple of GCSEs because they didn't care or bother with education, whilst the people who want to achieve something in life are being slated for the actions of a few because the government doesn't seem to to listen.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2005
Did you see manchester a year ago when rangers came?

Not looking to target tax dodgers, just making a valid observation

As for the idiots like were seeing, if your down there pissing on winston and attacking royals then well its a valid comment.
The people that go to uni, are going there to get better jobs which entail them to start work later in life and retire earlier than your average joe.
The likes of your average joe go to work sooner in life and work for alot longer, therefore paying a hell of alot more into the sytem for people that go to university and end up paying less back into the system, thats what i was talking about in the previous post.

My point is, it's all seeming ungreatful in a way.
Atleast they have the oppertunity, be it they have to pay a bit more which to me is fairer on everyone in the long run, am i wrong?
No one said things will be easy in the next 10 years, infact it's gonna get harder and it's not just those students that are gonna suffer!

Now... this equates to the joe blogs paying a hell of alot more into the system over time for education than the educated uni people that are currently out there in london being complete tools.


Save a rock, throw an Ion
Nov 13, 2010
Over time maybe, but the average post-grad earns on average a starting wage of about £20k, with prospects of going higher whilst your average Mary Byrne would have earnt about £15k on her tesco till. So the taxes taken from the extra wages would make up for that...
But to be honest we could debate politics, education and whether it's worth it all night long, but it's kind of going off topic don't you think?

With regards to the protests- as with any event that hits the news, it's always the negative news that hits the headlines. At our protest at Gloucestershire Uni, we had 4 squad cars, 2 riot vans and a ****load of police to "maintain and enforce" 40 peaceful protesters. There were no objects thrown, no swearing, no fires (or fire extinguishers), and we didn't get live coverage for 24 hours either...

Long story short -
Riots = bad.
Douchebag college kids whining about missing out on £10 a week = pointless.
Student debts being 3 times higher when we graduate after being promised the exact opposite = something to protest about.


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
Do a PhD! LOL :p
Or go work for some business/technology type company. Doesnt matter what degree you do largely, they employ psychology graduates for sure. Pay better too.
phD would be excellent!

Get to spend more money, spend more time in uni drinking all the state funded booze and smoking all of the state funded weed. Hell, if I'm even lucky enough to get a bursary I could get a new TV or a really cool balaclava so I can go burn down the treasury.
Aimed at you, Sabrewolf

Would be cool, but a phD wasn't really ever an option for me, unless I planned on staying in academia. And thanks, I've been grabbing details of as many graduate agencies as possible, hopefully one of them will pay dividends.

I've come to the overnight conclusion that the fees situation isn't nearly as bad as it's made out to be. In fact, it's very much just the same on a larger scale. They lend, we pay back after we're earning a threshold. They lend more, we pay back after a higher threshold. In reality, it's only the maintenance loans and grants that'll actually affect day to day living. The way I understand it is that, although they're initially still giving out the money (it counts as a loan rather than free money), they're attempting to make universities more self sufficient rather than depending on government subsidies. I think I get it.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
And in answer to your question, tax payers put up with "idiots like us" to put us through further education, because as i said before - we're here to learn because we want to. And the majority of the time, you all get your money back through the economy. If this entire country was run on a generation of GCSE educations, we'd all be pretty screwed.
If you're looking to someone to blame for eating all the country's taxes, start looking at the benefit frauds and cheats who just sit on the dole with a couple of GCSEs because they didn't care or bother with education, whilst the people who want to achieve something in life are being slated for the actions of a few because the government doesn't seem to to listen.
Really, so the people who studied vocational courses outside of university are worthless? I bet there are a lot of people in the building and manufacturing trades that earn a lot more than many graduates (and by extension contribute more tax revenues and export opportunity). I think that statement is pretty insulting, ill considered and spanks of usual graduate entitlement. As Public Enemy said, "Don't Believe the Hype" and that is what a lot of degree courses are sold on. Degree should have value, but not with the volume of people studying spurious ones. We don't need 10 of 1000's of people studying media, a few hundred would quite easily do it.

The volume of people now studying coupled with a shortage and contraction of jobs simply means many people leave university have to take jobs that could easily be done by people with little to no qualifications. This has the knock on effect of making many jobs graduate minimum entry and creates an underclass of many young people completely able to work whom can't (and look at the social benefits that has derived).

So in short, the students should be thankful for what they get even at 9k a year, so why not just spend the time smoking weed and discussing how beautiful Gail Porter is?


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
C'mon man! You can't be in the banking industry and quote Public Enemy. That's like Hitler saying Stalin had some valid points. :D
I saw them live couple of weeks ago, 20 year anniversary of the Fear of a Black Planet tour (which I also attended and if you can measure concert attendance in the decades, it makes you the same as a Manilow fan). God I'm old. Anyway, aside from being a few students there (being pi$$ed and gobbing on people) the only other people in evidence were middle aged men quaffing champagne in the VIP lounge; albeit wearing clocks and goose jackets.


Platinum Member
Dec 2, 2008
i dont know why they dont just get rid of all the mickey mouse degrees like the surf board design degree (there are plenty to choose from). that would reduce numbers attending uni and reduce costs.

Canon Fodder

Go to your brother, kill him with your gun.
Oct 28, 2008
Lib dems - lying a**eholes

Violent protests - a**eholes

Peaceful protest - good

Fees are only going up because banks screwed up lending idiots money they couldn't pay back and big firms seem to be able to decide if they pay tax or not, how long before you have to pay to send your children to primary school?


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2009
[FONT=&quot]Anyone who protests has too much free time. I know even if I wanted to I couldn’t protest.
I always associate protesting with brainwashed unemployed.
If these students have time to protest then they cant be studying for any real subjects.

I do agree that fees should be gone. But then again I do disagree with what passes as an education. I believe that there is a degree in wine tasting you can get from uni[/FONT]