I'm outraged... break as many bloody shop windows as you ever bloody, but never spray paint on the statue of Winston Churchill. He may have been a shody prime minister, but he represents a generation that lived and fought in terrible conditions compared to what we have now...
The only true benefit that can occur from our current situation is a deal between parliament and students. 6k instead of 9 perhaps, in return for a stop to all the protests caused by this by monday. This will allow a whole new vision of the protesting generation to appear. We will see how many of these protesters are in it to cause trouble.
Yes there is hte arguement that they will still protest because the fee's are still raised, but looking at it rationally, the government doesn't have to do anything.
For the record, i'm ~16 and have no thoughts on how these things will affect my education
The only true benefit that can occur from our current situation is a deal between parliament and students. 6k instead of 9 perhaps, in return for a stop to all the protests caused by this by monday. This will allow a whole new vision of the protesting generation to appear. We will see how many of these protesters are in it to cause trouble.
Yes there is hte arguement that they will still protest because the fee's are still raised, but looking at it rationally, the government doesn't have to do anything.
For the record, i'm ~16 and have no thoughts on how these things will affect my education