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Students Rioting today

3L1TE hax

Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2009
I'm outraged... break as many bloody shop windows as you ever bloody, but never spray paint on the statue of Winston Churchill. He may have been a shody prime minister, but he represents a generation that lived and fought in terrible conditions compared to what we have now...

The only true benefit that can occur from our current situation is a deal between parliament and students. 6k instead of 9 perhaps, in return for a stop to all the protests caused by this by monday. This will allow a whole new vision of the protesting generation to appear. We will see how many of these protesters are in it to cause trouble.

Yes there is hte arguement that they will still protest because the fee's are still raised, but looking at it rationally, the government doesn't have to do anything.

For the record, i'm ~16 and have no thoughts on how these things will affect my education


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
If im wrong please say. The currant set up is students are subsidized to reduce there fees. and now its being brought up to 9k to reduce the money we pay towards it ?

My brother did a fine art degree worth it ! Nope

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
I'm not too informed about the way you handle things in England, but personally I have always felt that, like healthcare, an education is a basic human right. It should never be a privilege.

As far as governments go, lately things seem to be going ass-backwards. The government should fear the people, the people should never fear the government.
Fight the power, stick it to the man, kill whitey and all that good stuff. ;)
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Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
Agreed. I'm torn in two, I resent the rise in fees, so much so that I get frustrated and tense just thinking about them, but I know that degrees are generally undervalued so less people going into uni could be a positive.

I'm in my last year, studying Psychology (yeah, I'm that guyh). I'm sh**ting myself about the prospect of graduating to a jobless market and validating every naysayer who warned me about my course, even though I'm damn good at it and proud.
Do a PhD! LOL :p
Or go work for some business/technology type company. Doesnt matter what degree you do largely, they employ psychology graduates for sure. Pay better too.

Potter Loki

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2007
Lumpage, i dont know if this applies to everyone but certainly a lot of people, an application is made for funding to the student loan company, various forms are filled in, whether you have kids, how much your parents earn etc, then they write back saying how much your entitled to.... i get my tuition fee paid for, and a grant to pay for living renting a house food etc, these combined are my debts to the SLC, on top of all this i then get a grant (around £800 a year) which is not repayable, becuase im considered to be from a working class background, the size of the grant (if any) is determined mainly by how much your parents earn.

On top of this many unis give a bursery if you have performed well at A-level, are exceptional at sport etc, of course this is dependent on circumstances.


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
I'm outraged... break as many bloody shop windows as you ever bloody, but never spray paint on the statue of Winston Churchill. He may have been a shody prime minister, but he represents a generation that lived and fought in terrible conditions compared to what we have now...

The only true benefit that can occur from our current situation is a deal between parliament and students. 6k instead of 9 perhaps, in return for a stop to all the protests caused by this by monday. This will allow a whole new vision of the protesting generation to appear. We will see how many of these protesters are in it to cause trouble.

Yes there is hte arguement that they will still protest because the fee's are still raised, but looking at it rationally, the government doesn't have to do anything.

For the record, i'm ~16 and have no thoughts on how these things will affect my education
Cough...most courses will be capped at £6k
This £9k stuff is the minority....well...apparenlty....cough again...


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
Strange that they don't riot in the states. $20,000 per year is the least I've heard for a decent 'College'.
When I saw that 3-4 grand number I was shocked. Is that the norm?


Active Member
Jan 25, 2005
im feeling very strongly on this subject.... the subject of you piss on winston and attack the royal family then you deserve all you get and i hope to god they let the shackles off the police and let them sort this disgusting behaviour out in the shortest and fastest possible fashion possible!!!

These guys are not students! you can see the students on arial photo's right at the back saying to the themselves, "wtf did we just start", these guys are just scum and should be dealt with as such.

All they have achieved with all of this is turning the real voters and public against them.
It wasn't so long ago we were crusifying some girl out on the p*ss in blackpool for urinating on a war memorial, these people just went that one step further by pissing and drawing all over the winston churchill statue and smashing 400 year old stain glass windows on the high court.

And as for the students, all they are protesting about is having their daily beer/weed money stopped, cause u dont really think they spend that EMA on books do you ?

Also if they dont get the jobs that they are supposedly studying for while out of their faces daily, then they dont have to pay back the fee's anyway!


Save a rock, throw an Ion
Nov 13, 2010
yeah missy-q, when i first started 2 years ago it was £3145, then crept up to £3290 after my first year. Pretty standard for a university degree. I think medicine at the better ones like cambridge may be more though...

But i'll be honest, i'm pretty pissed off with the lib dems at the moment. I know they don't have as much power in terms of seats, but when Nick Clegg's selling policy to this younger generation was "to abolish student debts", i didn't really see him jumping the conservative bandwagon and changing his mind to triple the fees, and pretty much do a U-turn on most things he promised.

I'm in my final year doing a BA hons in Multimedia. My original plan was to get a PGCE and become a teacher - but with the fees increasing as they are (and student finance not supporting a PGCE as much as a normal degree) i'm pretty f****d on that area, so my target market again is now looking at the prospect of a year of being some small company's bitch for a year just to get experience, and then look towards getting a job and working my way up as a specialist (and even then, flash doesn't seem to have much of a future with html5 and all that jazz flying around).

Also, looking at the videos of today, most of the kids there "protesting" were just little chavs that had hopped off the train from croydon to cause some trouble, and using EMA as an excuse...

and SabreWolf, you do realise the majority of our student loan goes on accomodation, with about a third of it remaining for food/books/drink. PLEASE don't get us actual students mixed up with the college-kids... The EMA was originally put in as an inscentive to keep kids in school after a-level/GNVQ, to raise the education level. They're getting paid to be in free education they don't particularly care about. We're paying to be here because we want to be.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2005
If this was a football riot they would have been steam rollered by the police, the government are treading too softly with this, just cause they are "supposedly students and have a supposedly valid issue", they are allowed to run riot!

Im sorry but what i saw tonight and the last few days/weeks, makes me want to walk down town and kick 10 bells of crap out of them!
Absolutly no respect, regardless of what crappy issue they have!

question is, why should the tax payer put up with idiots like that and then fund them through "advanced" education where they have already been funded for their first 14 years of proper world beating education?