You may have voted Lib Dem, but the current Government isnt Liberal Democrat unfortunately.I think what a lot of people are forgetting, is that alot of students (myself included) voted lib dem because it was the most appealing to younger generations with student fees being cut one of the main points that was broadcasted to students. With the vote on student fee's being passed and lib dem apearing to go back on their words I think they have a right to be angry. Now students are looking at coming out of uni with a minimum of £27k debt, before living expenses are even taken into consideration. I dont condone violence, vandalism or general yobishness (it is a word, oxford dict just havent put it in yet.) and I imagine it started out as ''A peacefull protest" but the fact of the matter is a lot of us are unhappy with the way the fees have been handled, and a lot will be unhappy with the way that some have reacted.
I have never been under the illusion that uni is a given right, I expect to pay for it, I don't however expect to be lied to and have the extra money that I will spend on my tuition fee being used to pay back the national deficit.
As for being lied to...hmm...dont wanna sound condescending but honestly do you expect better? Perhaps I am just too cynical...
Not sure how much I wanna get involved in this debate, but generally I dont think student loans are a big deal. However, if it puts some people off going to Uni maybe thats a good thing, degrees seem to be pretty undervalued as it stands.