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Students Rioting today


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
Anyone who protests has too much free time. I know even if I wanted to I couldn’t protest.
I always associate protesting with brainwashed unemployed.
Part of the point of protesting is that you're not where you're supposed to be. You know, people going on strike and all that. God knows how you associate protesting with the 'brainwashed unemployed' as most protests that make the news are over working conditions and pay.

If these students have time to protest then they cant be studying for any real subjects.
Why not?
Some of the people protesting weren't even students. I don't mean that they were people who came out of nowhere to cause trouble, (since that's where I believe the majority of rioting has come from) but people who have taken time out of work to support a cause.


Don't take the scenes in London as the only protests in the country. This is nationwide, and some of the protests even go off without any vandalism.

I do agree that fees should be gone. But then again I do disagree with what passes as an education. I believe that there is a degree in wine tasting you can get from uni
I don't know where you've heard that, but my university offers nothing of the sort. Besides, I'd imagine a degree in anything to do with wine would be more about the production and distilling process than the drinking part.

Actually that's not even a bad shout. Binge drinking increases during a recession, let's all get into the distillery business.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Lib dems - lying a**eholes

This statement is ridiculous CF ...... to differentiate politicians for the purpose of calling them 'liars' is at best naive, at worst bigoted ... come on ...... they ALL lie, they ALL cheat and deceive, and by 'all' I mean all parties not all MPs.
However, I would hastily add it is the vast majority of MPs who fall into those descriptives.
The extreme minority of MPs who do have a smattering of dignity and honesty gets smaller as each day passes.

It is absolutely pointless in my opinion to distinguish between parties these days either in terms of commentary or indeed in voting, by all means go and vote but don't try and tell me it makes one bit of difference either way ... we merely pay lip service to true democracy and true representation ...MPs really are a breed apart from the average working man.

Canon Fodder

Go to your brother, kill him with your gun.
Oct 28, 2008
I know - I'd just hoped the lib dems were different, I watched the conservatives rape the country, then Labour rape the county all the time hoping that the Lib Dems might be better, as it turns out they ain't.

maybe it came across wrong, it was on this single issue that I was calling them liars rather than in general, at least the other parties never claimed they were going to get rid of tuition fees - I'm certainly not naive on this issue and bigotry implies an intolerence or prejudice, as stated above I had high hopes for them, I've voted for them every time, so I'm certainly not that.

the a**eholes - anyone that makes a promise and breaks it is one.

Never thought there'd be so many people on here that would cheer on the Khmer Rouge - looks like I was wrong.


#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
okay i have the very fortunate position of being a university student in Scotland and so i can claim my tuition fees from the student award agency for scotland (SAAS), a product of the lib-lab coalition in scottish parliament. this year i voted lib dem for UK parliament, albeit a futile attempt as i live in a labour safe constituency, because of their promise on tuition fees. i fully understand the anger because lib-dems are now in office because they made a promise they are now turning back on, which is nothing short of sickening.

the cause that students are campaigning for is highly relevant and worthwhile HOWEVER, the ones making the headlines are going about it completely the wrong way by violent demonstrations. the money they are trying to save they aren't exactly justifying by causing £millions of damage. kinda reminds you of the suffragettes and the campaign for female votes, although i dont think students can expect another world war anytime soon....


They call me Doc
Oct 12, 2010
i think this stinks - the riots that is, i worked hard to get to the point i am at today and i didnt go to uni, it took me the same amount of time to get to my level as it would if i did go to uni, the diff is i did it thru a job @17 and subsequently dont owe money (well not cos of tuition fees etc)

so what they raised the fees! in the long run its your option to go to uni, i know u can only get certain 'higher' jobs with a degree, but if students have the spare time and money to go out most nights and get wrecked, which before you all jump on me and say thats a minority, ive seen it first hand with my ex who went to uni to 'study' law and we split cos her and A LOT of other students were out nearly every night wasting there money drinkin etc etc. then they obv arent studying v hard or could get a job (oooh jobs are hard to get, only if ure fussy and if u need work u'll get it)

if you give young ppl a massive sum of money (to them) they gonna waste it and then s##t themselves when they have none left, have nothing to show for it, owe money and then they will complain, say its not their fault.

this country needs a reality check, especially when we let ppl get away with damaging some of our nations greatest monuments and subsequently its history and the pride we have for our history.

im sorry i just dont have any sympathy (but i may be biased based on past experiences) and as a tax payer im gonna foot the bill along with every other hard working taxpayer.

as for the government issue, u really think they would give everything they promised, its politics the latin for politician is 'lying ba****d' ;)
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Active Member
Jan 25, 2005
I just find all this protesting insulting
Advanced higher education is not a god given right which alot seem to think it is.
if it was then you would have everyone doing it which is unsustainable socially and financially as a nation.

Simply put it isn't ment for everyone, and sometimes life is unfair but at the moment, at least the opportunity is there to do it, albiet you have to pay for it, but you cant have your cake and eat it.

Canon Fodder

Go to your brother, kill him with your gun.
Oct 28, 2008
anyone who wants to do a-levels or GCSEs should have to pay. There's jobs you don't need either of those for.


They call me Doc
Oct 12, 2010
my insurance has gone up, my road tax has gone up, food bills up, i could go on but u dont see me b******g and moaning and generally making myself look like ive got a first in being a tool. no i readress whats important and what i can afford, hell i havent been out drinkin in over a year because i deem it the least important thing for me to spend my money on.

i agree that the fees shouldnt rise this fast but your not doing yourself any favours at the moment, go out any saturday night in a uni area and tell me my tax money isnt being wasted?

and your also ignoring the main point. you CHOOSE to go to uni, you CHOOSE to fall into massive debt instead of i dunno working the other 5 days a week your not in a lecture (dont argue that u have no spare time cos of coursework) you dont have to live in dorm or rent a flat, or need a big tv. its all a CHOICE and its your own fault if you make bad ones!!!

thats my opinion. (oh there free by the way)