I don't often get stuck in on these forums but after the Big Game shame not to aye
Anyway... like already said there were plenty of people wiping.. saw it from my own perspective... painted one geezer orange to match his armband (he should thank me... matching gear and all) and he still didn't go out even tho he had to wipe his lens several times just for the priviledge of getting another coating... but i'm sure people are people and it works same on both sides... and to be honest that was one of the best moments of the day.. not often you can open up on someone like that :-D so my thanks to the North for that one. (That was my best moment bit by the way lol)
In short the North were great.. they played well .. played fair and were the best North side since the event started in my opinion... Last year i truly think the South were robbed.. but this year you just plain played better and even though we had a legend playing I think maybe at the end of the day we let him down.. he did his bit and got stuck in and even made the most gracious speech of recball history lol - good on yer Robbo!!!
So Cheers to Warped Cheers to Robbo, cheers to the North for a great game, cheers to the weather for yet again threatening and not delivering rain until I got in my car to go home.. but mostly cheers to the marshalls for some pretty decent work being where and when it counted and using from what I saw excellent discretion at point of play... NICE ONE! must be frustrating as hell seeing the fun being had and having to ref..
One note tho weren't we outgunned numbers wise? Seems to be an increasing trend and i'm kinda worried that the continual losing may be putting Southerners off coming and encouraging more Norterners.. may get a but like shooting fish in a barrell and no real sport... hope that doesn't happen but worth sparing a thought or two on for anyone that has any influence in these areas.
oh and that Northern Git

in a trench that shot my ASS while me back was turned at point blank range .... nice one... teach me to get complacent
Cheers all and on to next year or star gate..