Thanks everyone for a brilliant weekend!
best momnents!
players party saturday night, was really good fun, bit drunken though haha! watching ledz v robbo poker game, waving my jacket at robbo (with my name on it) telling him im the real robbo haha! was an interesting game to watch!
sunday was absolutley fantastic, only down side was those bloody speakers!
watching ledz carry the flag to cape town

with 3 players suppose to be guarding him, all stood behind him having a chat! haha! so we did it instead! loved every minute of playing! can't wait until next year!
nice to see robbo enjoyed himself being a sup air player, hopefully this will cause other sup air players to realise theres nothing wrong with the woods, it's just fun, and may come and have a go!
In the end it doesn't matter who wins, just that everyone had a great time, at big games like this people could cheat easily, but i saw nothing of it, so it's all good!
Massive thankyou to everyone there for such a great day, southerners for putting up a good fight all day. trade stands for taking me for every penny i had haha! worth it though. Northerners for having such a good day with you all, well done to everybody, you all made the day truely fantastic, can't wait and hope to see you all next year!
Robbo *the real one* (in the woods that is

come pay us a visit