You're addicted.......
When you spend the entire drive home looking forward to reading posts on this website from hundreds of other sad, sad people like you.
When there’s a great (well, rather cheap and tacky actually) ahem, pohohohorno film on late on a Friday night on Channel 5 and you want to record it – but you have no blank video tapes!! Disaster strikes! And of course you couldn’t possibly record over your copies of mission paintball and ahem, x-fire!! (yes I’m ashamed to say I have recorded many episodes of both of these poorly made paintball shows!) Therefore you simply have to stay up late, watch in real time and regret not going to bed early in the morning!
When you try desperately in vein to try and explain the most extraordinary bunkering move you did at the weekend to you’re mates, while they just sit and stare blankly whilst bobbing they’re heads like the Churchill Dog going ‘Oh yes, yes yes, oh yes’ pretending that they understand how amazing it was!! It’s so obvious that they don’t give a damn, yet still you carry and much to their aggravation!
When you’re sitting at your computer in the early hours of the morning trying to think symptoms that prove you’re addicted to paintball .
And you’re wondering why it is again that you need sleep when you could spend you’re time so much more productively playing paintball, reading about paintball, improving your paintball skills – both psychologically and physically, drooling over the newest custom angel or cocker whilst calculating how many weeks worth of wages it would take you to afford it……. the list goes on!
We all need help!!!