1--Bearing on what? Advancing the best teams to Sunday? It makes virtually no difference. Top 2 of 4 is well more than sufficient, and that's not opinion, that's math - even with totally RANDOM seeding, it's 9.3% vs 7.5% that a top-4 team doesn't make it out of prelims, and with seeding that difference becomes miniscule. Calling the assertion silly doesn't make it any less true.
2--If NXL was a full round robin prelims, would that be better?
2A--Clearly everyone playing 14 or 15 matches to figure out who advances to finals is a bit excessive, right? Would you also agree that 10 matches is excessive?
2B--I would imagine you would.
2C--And, mathmatically, 4 prelim matches is excessive. Playing 4 matches instead of three makes almost no difference in making sure your best (top 4) teams advance through a cut of 8. It also makes virtually no difference in the odds that a 7th or 8th place team gets to make the cut.
3--If you mean play time, you're right, there's less of it, but, at the Pro level, I would expect that a team is there to win, not to log more minutes on the field. In fact, for a PRO team, I'd expect a team to be out to win while spending the least money (including shooting paint) possible - thus more profit (or lower losses).
4--Now, if a team is just PRETENDING to be a Pro team, and their chief concern is how much play time you get, I'd suggest they may be in the wrong division.