MissyQ said:
1. Chicago Evil played some fantastic paintball in Boston, and if they can consistently play that well then they would easily slot into any league.
Which is an interesting observation - because none of the teams in the top 4 at Boston consistently play that well, so I'm not quite sure how you think you can use that as an indication that those are some of the best teams on the planet. You're talking about 4 teams that had ONE previous finals appearance this year among them, in 4th. That says to me that they are NOT some of the best teams on the planet.
You clearly were not in Boston.
Are you implying that Rage didn't cheat in Boston? Cause that's just laughably funny. (Not to single out Rage in this case, as I'd find it laughably funny were you to say any of the pro teams, in the finals at least, didn't cheat at least a little bit.)
I don't know what you have against Rage, but I am sure if one of those boys came on here you would evaporate into a cloud of noxious gas, much like you did when Magued piped up.
I don't recall evaporating when Magued showed up? He said he could beat D1 PSP teams. I agree. If he had said he could beat NXL teams I would have said 'no way'. I don't think Joy is as good as Dynasty, XSV, the Russians, etc, but there's probably room in the top 16 for them. There's probably room in the top 16 for Rage too, depending how the reffing affects them that weekend.
So lets just say I disagree with you about Rage. I give teams credit for their performances, not their reputations, especially when those reputations were earned 10 years ago. Get back in your time machine and go back to the late 90's. You might even be fashionable then (although I doubt it)
I think you ignore a team's entire history in favor of only looking at their most recent performance when you sponsor them and doing so suits your publicity purposes, like their best performance ever happening to coincide with using your newest product release. You also didn't have any qualms labelling XSV one of the dirtiest teams in paintball apparently based on a particular situation where XSV was able to flaunt the rules to an advantage over Rage.
I can't help but notice the front-page Boston event coverage on the NPPL site heavily highlights the WDP-sponsored team, their platinum sponsor, and their platinum sponsor's new marker. Now, I don't religiously read the NPPL website, so maybe I'm off base here, but has there been similar detailed coverage of XSV's markers after each of the events they won this year?
The cynic might question why a team whose performance has been inconsistent at best (a 4th and a 12th place finish), at the event where they pick up the newest product from their sponsor who just happens to also run the league they are playing in, find themselves in the finals while the two powerhouse teams that have been consistently placing 1-2 both somehow manage to not get out of separate prelim brackets.
Not that I believe that, but it certainly doesn't help perception when the league then seems to go out of its way to highlight what guns the first place team was using when they havn't done that before.
Rage was just barely a Pro team before this year. They're better this year, but to consider them one of the best teams on the planet is going to take a little more than winning an event where two of the best teams on the planet miss the cut and finishing 4th and 12th in the two other events of the season.
One other thing, you're quick to say that teams that there are NXL teams that play poorly in NPPL events - are these even the same teams? I realize the team names are the same, but how many of the players are the same? If you're going to make that comparison we should at least check that the rosters are consistent.