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X-Ball Europe - The Story So Far




yes, you've got to have the product live before you can sell it effectively to media, sponsors etc.

Plus at the end of the day it's the best playing the best, which is what they want to do. Pros don't like playing Novs and Ams - they have nothing to gain and everything to lose.


Mother, is that you?

Ok, I know I'm on my own on this, so I'll try and make this my last post.

Originally posted by duffistuta
yes, you've got to have the product live before you can sell it effectively to media, sponsors etc.
Steve, do you really believe this? If so, I still don't understand why the change of format. All I've heard to justify it is, well, well, riddled with poor logic.

Plus at the end of the day it's the best playing the best, which is what they want to do. Pros don't like playing Novs and Ams - they have nothing to gain and everything to lose.

But why the change in format?


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Re: Potentially

Originally posted by rancid
But why the change in format?
To fit into the US requirements of the TV audience...

Since we don't have such a TV Audience do we need the same format or the change?

The change in format does make it more spectator friendly, but I'm not convinced the X-ball format as it is, is quite right for the European Spectators and European TV coverage which as yet does not seem to exist...

Is that what you are getting at?

Why change a format if the changes required are for something which doesn't exist in Europe?



Mother, is that you?
Re: Re: Potentially

Originally posted by manike
To fit into the US requirements of the TV audience...


Si, explain to me why x-ball suits the US tv audience. Go on. And don't just repeat the party line without justification....

Why would a tv audience appreciate x-ball more than a normal tourny. The tv audience is going to be either paintballers (waste of time) or potential paintballers (the target). Do you think they would discern a difference? All this talk about New York blah blahs, and Chicago do dos, and people following their own team is pure fancy. An 8 team round robin tourny is easier and cheaper to film.

Look what's happened in the last six weeks or so. We've gone from the coming revolution, to it might be tagged on at the end to what the fk are we doing this for? We've gone from $200k franchises to 'we'll do it for a laugh'. And these are industry moguls talking.... god help the rest of us.

The only thing that niggles, is that someone, somewhere, has information that we don't. ie a signed up contract with a tv company to stage (and I place heavy emphasis on 'stage') an easy to film mini league. But, if that's the case, we'd have a done deal already.


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Some reasons...

The USA TV audience is used to being able to watch a game or sports presentation on TV that fits within a reasonably steady time frame in terms of the amount of play action they see between two teams.

X-ball goes some way to present this with a period of play which will always be the same. A conventional 10man game could be anything from 60 seconds to 15 mins. So a set length of play is more spectator ready as compared to the hard hitting actions sports they see at the moment.

The USA Audience is used to seeing plays and different tactics all within one game by one team played out again and again. X-ball offers this, you do get this in a tournaments worth of play in the current format, but not within one game (RL being an exception as they sometimes incorporate more plays into one game).

The USA Audience is used to and the advertisers demand opportunites and game breaks to sell to the consumers. X-ball would provide this with set intervals within a game format, not just in normal turnovers but also in the quarter and half time intervals. It's possible with just one game going to keep track of what is going on, while always being interrupted by adverts. People are gripped to see what will happen in the next segment and so wait while watching the adverts. If it's many games as with a normal tournament and one just finishes before the add break, there isn't the same 'grip' to keep you watching through the interval.

if you were trying to follow a whole tournament and series of games it's harder and requires more concentration (also not good for the mass USA market ;) )

A big score board/scoring system makes it easy for Americans to follow what is going on and who is winning.

Pretty much X-ball fits into more conventional formats and dums down what is going on to make it easier to follow... ;) (Very important for American Sports fans... hehehe)



Mother, is that you?
Some reasons...

Sweet Baby Jesus! They've got to you too haven't they.

Originally posted by manike
The USA TV audience is used to being able to watch a game or sports presentation on TV that fits within a reasonably steady time frame in terms of the amount of play action they see between two teams.

So what? This is going to be on in the middle of the night on a spamwnk cable station. Do you think the kids (yep, I said 'kids') are going to go ' I can't watch this cos it don't fit into my normal tv viewing patterns?' C'mon, geezer, think it thru. Somebody needs to.

X-ball goes some way to present this with a period of play which will always be the same. A conventional 10man game could be anything from 60 seconds to 15 mins. So a set length of play is more spectator ready as compared to the hard hitting actions sports they see at the moment.

You think they'll run this unedited. see above comment.

The USA Audience is used to seeing plays and different tactics all within one game by one team played out again and again. X-ball offers this, you do get this in a tournaments worth of play in the current format, but not within one game (RL being an exception as they sometimes incorporate more plays into one game).

Fkin nora. This aint Match of the Day. Do you think this makes a hog'sgonads worth of difference? flik, flik, flik 'God damn, what's this. Hey Paintball, I've got a mate who played this. Wow.' That's the reality. Not, 'Hey, the geezer on the fifty is tight on the blah blah blah...' It's cuckoo-land, thought up by dreamers and followed by idealists and itinerant pick-pockets.

The USA Audience is used to and the advertisers demand opportunites and game breaks to sell to the consumers. X-ball would provide this with set intervals within a game format, not just in normal turnovers but also in the quarter and half time intervals. It's possible with just one game going to keep track of what is going on, while always being interrupted by adverts. People are gripped to see what will happen in the next segment and so wait while watching the adverts. If it's many games as with a normal tournament and one just finishes before the add break, there isn't the same 'grip' to keep you watching through the interval.

Give me the fkin splicer, I'll cut any tourny to any length. You're comparing it to NFL - we're talking six twenty minute shows - it's not rocket science. It don't matter if it's fkin rigged (in fact, i think it should be). You're still looking at this as a paintball player. We ain't interested in you. I want the geezer who works in your post room, yep that geezer who comes to work on a skateboard.

if you were trying to follow a whole tournament and series of games it's harder and requires more concentration (also not good for the mass USA market ;) )

They ain't sat there with notebooks Si. Beer in one hand, cock in the other.

A big score board/scoring system makes it easy for Americans to follow what is going on and who is winning.

It's not exactly a deal-clincher is it?


Old School, New Tricks
Re: I think we're f'ked.

Originally posted by rancid

Why all this bollox talk about 18 man rosters, two teams to travel to here, and then qualify for that...?

One question: WHERE'S THE TV?
Answer: Nowhere.
This kinda struck me.

Way back when , and Robbo may even remember this, Lively ran 15 man events. 15 guys on a team, yep. And this format lated a while, but was dropped becasue of the difficulties in keeping 15 guys on a roster, and traveling with 15 guys to any given event 6-7 times a year.

Looks like those who don't study history really DO repeat it! :)

-Tyger (bad spelling day...)


Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Rancid come out of the woods...

Rancid, are you trying to make a show which will appeal to the boy in the stock room in an X games type format, or a sport the whole family can watch and get into?

Originally posted by rancid
They ain't sat there with notebooks Si. Beer in one hand, cock in the other.
Which is why it needs to be 'dummed down' and made more beer and masturbation spectator friendly with lots of advertising potential. Sheesh people have even less brain power when their hands are full. :) You'd just confuse them even more if you had more than two teams involved... unless of course they were all women and french kissing each other...

Watching a show such as X-games, which is what you seem to want, is very different to watching a sporting spectacle such as two teams going at it in Twickenham.



Mother, is that you?
Rancid come out of the woods...

Give me break on the woods thing.... I spent ten years trying to get paintball out the woods.

Originally posted by manike
Rancid, are you trying to make a show which will appeal to the boy in the stock room in an X games type format, or a sport the whole family can watch and get into?

Are you suggesting this is family viewing?

Watching a show such as X-games, which is what you seem to want, is very different to watching a sporting spectacle such as two teams going at it in Twickenham.

Reality Si. Two teams, Twickenham? Sporting spectacle. This is exactly why I can't take the argument seriously.

I don't know what else to say.



Jul 9, 2001
Cloud 9
Hey I still like playing in the woods...

Originally posted by rancid
Are you suggesting this is family viewing?
Not yet. But can you imagine the possibilities if it became so?

Originally posted by rancid
Reality Si. Two teams, Twickenham? Sporting spectacle. This is exactly why I can't take the argument seriously.
I think that is what they want to achieve with X-ball in the USA. It won't float here, no way in hell at the moment or forseeable future. But maybe they are on the bottom rung of a ladder to achieving that in the USA... and I can see how it would work in the USA. I can't see how it would work in Europe.
