I'm with Chi town on this one in that I welcomed the previous changes made to the format and whilst I applaud what has been done here because at the very least, it brings paintball to the masses, I just don't want any WWF style of promotion and perception going on here.Originally posted by shootul8ter
it might not be paintball as we know it but neither was 10 man at one time or 5man or 7man or xball
Come off it dude - every event in Paintball is tha world this or tha Euro that without any justification whatsoeva. Toulouse was tha 7-Man World Cup way before it actually had tha sort of teams attending to warrant that title - if indeed it ever did. And didn't you Brits used to have a world 5-Man that featured about 30 domestic teams?Originally posted by ascutt
One does have to marvel at the arrogance that can once again create a World League by bringing together a load of American teams and a couple of token Cannuks.......World Series anyone??? (sorry, no johnny foreigners allowed)