hello again Robbo
so this is the reponce to my shoe habit, if you read the eppic 6 pager you will see the fairer sex agree with me on the shoe thing.
Also a few of the blokes are aware of this female inclination to footwear.
Can women be as good as men?
Well you sure did go for this guns blazing.
All the guys so far have coceeded we could mabey, possibly we could be, it's a rank outsider but lets face it is paintball the grand national.
yes the guns are heavy yes it get scarry some times
But I think other than the up keep of being a girlie and girlie stuff comes ( first straw poll figures)
There are no female role modles all the great players are male.
I can only think of two known women in paintball the lovley bonnie and your equally beautiful daughter. I do not know if either of them plays at any level.
Not only is it the money thing there is also the non playing boyfreind at home.
Fact men in general can't cope with inteligent independant women.
It's a novelty factor to start with and then spoken or un spoken causes problems.
Many a good woman was lost in child birth it didn't stop in 1860.
once the majority of women have kids things stop in some cases life in general very few of my female freinds with children go out spend money on them selfs and many are fluent in telly tubbie.
So if women are ever going to be as good in compertion paintball
they have to over come all of this and more.
Before they do that they need to find out for them selfs just what a great sport it can be how much fun it is and the pure rush when game on is called and your all out there shouting the odds against the common enemy the other team not possible fellow players.