Originally posted by Player1
Surely the reason for the PA Cup is not to promote Supair to the masses (It will never work as the mass population will find it boring beyond belief), but to promote the sport of paintball to the media which will in turn generate interest in the sites where the general public can have an escapist day. Storming castles and bases etc.
The P.A. Cup is about promoting Paintball to the masses through the media, its just using the current accepted tournament style to do it, in a more structured and easy format for Joe Public to understand.
Joe public will support/have empathy with Sunderland, Liverpool or Bicester alot quicker than a team called the Flaming Squirrels or something else that has no relevance to them.
It also about getting Paintball proper recognition as a sport by govemental bodies and so making it easier for sites up and down the country to have the same tax breaks as other liesure venues, and in turn making it cheaper for Joe Public once his interest has been captured by The P.A. Cup.
Supair might not be that intresting to watch to a complete stranger to the sport but trying to follow a team that disappears into the woods all day is even harder. Supair might not be first choice for many people to spectate or play but once people come and see a few games, supporting their friends/colleagues who are representing their town, I'm sure given time and basic info by these friends/colleagues they'll work it out. I've only watched baseball on the T.V. but I get the gist of it. Go to a game and have it expained to me then I'm sure I'd enjoy further.
Dont be down on the P.A. Cup because it only represents the minority (Tournament players) to the majority (would be Rec-ball players), support it as a means to an end that benefits everyone who plays at what ever level and to whatever standard.
If you are a member of the Flying Squirrels (I doubt but you never know) no offence intended!