me ranting again...
Originally posted by ThunderCat
On the subject of media coverage, Noone except tournament ballers and their immediate family knows what the hell a Sup'Air field looks like. If we get media coverage that has pictures which don't include the field, people will think we play these tournaments in the woods.
Just a thought when you are getting the local press posing you in front of a tree...
Another disciple has seen the light

...yup you are absolutely spot on there TC...This is exactly the kind of thing I've been bangin on about and why the PA has sent out loads of copies of the magazine with lots of nice photos to all the media and even copies of the Storming the Castle DVD to the likes of Sky and the extreme sports channels.
99% of all people still think paintball is a game played by nutters in the woods or it's something you do for a stag party and many have a sneaking suspicion that it may have something to do with Dungeons & Dragons (and if anyone out there in paintball land doesn't believe me then try talking to the press & sports authorities as much as Gillie has this year. When you see the "knowing smiles", "nods" & winks and hear the "Ahhhh...yes..." spelled with a silent snigger or are met simply with the bemused but kindly expression often reserved for very young children then you'll soon know exactly what I'm talking about )
And of course that's what the Paintball Association and the PA cup specifically is all about. It's not going to happen overnight...we're not going to dispel nearly 20 years of habit, myth, apathy, greed and god only knows what else in an overnight media coup to the fanfares of trumpets. What we have embarked on is a campaign. My hope is that those who had the guts to stand up and be a part of this will reap the greatest rewards, but ultimately my hope is that all of paintball in the UK will benefit. (Back to Gogger and his Pie

(hmmm...this little rant probably doesn't belong here either...but what the hell

Oh and for Jose...fields should be laid out on Thursday and up on Friday. We're hoping that the fields might even be available for any teams that want a quick practice on the Friday aftrnoon but we'll have to wait & see.