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Will this trend sweep the entire Paintball world?


Pompey Paintballer
Hotpoint on drugs again...

Originally posted by TJ Lambini
>>>Damn, you're right - tha NPPL didn't just announce a series of shows on Fox Sports did they? Lang and Greenspan aren't on their way to becoming tha Tony Hawks and Matt Hoffmans of their generation...
Hey there are great leaps taking place in the US and good on them but this argument is primarily UK-centric (look at the posters) so Fox Sports is a moot point unless Murdoch Junior starts showing Paintball here on Sky too

Thinking of which O/T but who thinks the 30 year old College Drop Out Murdoch Junior would be the new Sky Chief Exec if not for Dad?

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Originally posted by stongle
You might find that Baca for all his xenophobia ( ;) ), makes the most salient point on this thread (I think, cos his irony is frankly on a different planet).
A--please note title of thread. Not xenophobic; merely noting how whole debate had ended up being between factions of the so-called 1500 ballers in Britain which ain't quite the world
B--have never been salient in my entire life and if you persist in these claims I will be forced to take legal recourse
C--yes, my irony comes from planet Earth. Not sure about the rest of you lot.

As to the relative merits of this particular debate I wrote a View some time ago that touched on this idea--shame on you all for not reading it otherwise there would be no argument here :rolleyes:.
1--the notion PB is too boring for non-players. Nonsense. That's not a problem.
2--tying teams to locations in order to "build-in" some measure of natural support. Absolutely a given. The real question becomes how does that "advantage" translate into the kinds of things the players are hoping for and that is the crux of the issue 'cus the publicity and interest and money aren't an automatic.
Still, a league of locally identifiable teams regardless of where the players come from is a good idea and if given time to develop will likely help PB in the long term.


I'm not sure where I stand on this. Like so many things, I think it comes back to whether you view Paintball as fitting the traditional sports model or the Extreme Sports model. If you go trad then, by and large, local is the way to go (although there are notable exceptions - road cycling breeds fierce rivalries and loyalties amongst teams and supporters that have little to do with regionality - or even nationality in a lot of instances).

The extreme sports model tends to be based on factory teams, which are based around companies involved in the industry (great irony, that the so-called counter culture sports are the most overtly corporate...but I digress), and with Paintball being more product-driven than pretty much every other extreme sport around, you could reasonably expect factory teams to be the way forward. Dye Ironmen or LA Ironmen? JT Dynasty or San Diego Dynasty? Will it make that much difference? I think affiliations are made just as easily if you like the way someone plays/gear they use/use the same gear as you/way they look/whatever, than if they're local.

With the massive increase in media the local draw is not what it once was...go into any street in pretty much any town centre in the UK and odds are you'll see more kids in Man United shirts than anything else. If you can watch every single game on TV and you can't afford/have no desire to go to a match yourself, then team choice becomes a matter of personal preference rather than regional loyalties.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
Originally posted by Baca Loco
2--tying teams to locations in order to "build-in" some measure of natural support. Absolutely a given. The real question becomes how does that "advantage" translate into the kinds of things the players are hoping for and that is the crux of the issue 'cus the publicity and interest and money aren't an automatic.
Still, a league of locally identifiable teams regardless of where the players come from is a good idea and if given time to develop will likely help PB in the long term.
Blimey, in 86 words you've said what took me 2 threads and about 4000 words to allude too.

I'gotz tha mad procrastinat'in skillzz...


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by Hotpoint
Yep because only London and Manchester have Football Teams... and only one each :p

Actually smaller cities tend to have more social cohesiveness and, dare I say, tribal identities. It is this kind of group feeling that best promotes local sponsorship

And say what you like about "small backwards islands". It could be worse, they could be somebody elses former colonies who only gained their independence because of the French :D