TJ, I watched about 5 games of the IAO on the Wednesday (I have no idea what level were playing but it was 5 man) and I have to say I have never seen such blatant cheating in all my years. In 3 of the games I saw blatant wipes. Now I am not talking getting hit on a run and bellying in, but straight out pull the jersey down over your gloves and polish ones - and no, they weren't ever "seen" by refs. Incompetance or bias - I would say incompetence from what I saw of the refs. I have to admit I only watched X-ball after that, I just couldn't believe it.
The Xball refs were great, mad props too them. I agree with Robbo in that I never saw bias, only mistakes, and they happen. I have to say (and it was not there fault in any way) they were probably soo damm tired that mistakes occured, they were definately very up on things the first day and has been said elsewhere, those that push the rules are more likely to get away with things and with tired refs that's even more true.
If one thing we learn from Xball is the need for MANY reffing teams changing every match at least and possibly every half or quarter. The guys looked shattered and that is only going to help the cheaters.
The swedes apparently pulled out becuase they had a short series of decisions all go "against" them. But as they played 4 players EVERY game and only seemed to rotate 1 they were blown out.