Sheep dont shrink, because wool is surprisingly water resistant when still connected to teh sheep...teh natural oils in teh sheeps fur, much like the Crsip 'N Dry on your hair Cookie, makes it fairly waterproof.
Cows, much liek many other mammals...produce milk for teh purpose of feeding their young...rather like women do...while human females have the ability, to humerously squirt milk several feet at your best mate, while teh breasts are engourged after having a child....cows sadly do not have this ability, though I am sure they leak when they are regards to nasal discharge of milk, I fear that regardless of how much pepper she snorted, nor how many times she looked at teh sun on a bright day...she would fail to eject milk through her nose...unless she had actually drunk it...milk is produced in teh Udder, not in teh stomachs.
Snowmen are constructed of frozen water particles and have no apparent life in them, other than anything taht might be living in tehm at the time.
Should a carrot, fish or any other item be placed in teh area, which could be regarded as it's nose, there is no sentient being to smell said item..and so therfore, I can only conclude, that Snowmen, dont smell carrots.
During teh process of carrying out a death sentence by leathal injection...several substances are injected into the body, at different times, to do different things...should an error occur, and the subject was to survive teh error, but contract an infection from an unsteralised needle...they could then be in a position to claim negligence charges against their executioners. Lethal injection is controlled by teh same medical ethics and laws, as any other medical procedure and so...steralised needles are used.