1. Paintballs (by the case). 2
2. Paintball markers/equipment 3
3. Jeans. 2
4. Sports-wear. 2
5. Suits 2
6. Beer. 2
7. Gaming Consoles. 3
8. Sunglasses. 2
9. Shoes. 2
10. Cell-Phones. 3
Version 2
1. Paintballs (by the case). 2
2. Paintball markers/equipment 3
3. Jeans. 1-Could manage with cheaper brands
4. Sports-wear. 1-Olden is golden

5. Suits 1-I could mnage with cheaper well made suits
6. Beer. 2
7. Gaming Consoles. 1-Can live without a console for the amount I play
8. Sunglasses. 1-Again could manage with a cheaper pair
9. Shoes. 2
10. Cell-Phones. 2-I could manage with an older model
My version 2 shows how my spending would change, paintball spending would still be my major costing over other items. What suprised me was that I would rather have cheaper jeans than change to a cheaper alcoholic beverage. I feel I could save money reguarly if i looked for quality cheaper brands of clothing than I currently purchase.