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Why do you Buy?


Autococker Tech
Jul 19, 2009
1. Paintballs (by the case). 3
2. Paintball markers/equipment 3
3. Jeans. 3
4. Sports-wear. 3
5. Suits 3
6. Beer. 3
7. Gaming Consoles. 3
8. Sunglasses. 3
9. Shoes. 3
10. Cell-Phones. 3

If I can't afford it, I wait.

dave t

GWC #25
Oct 25, 2001
North East
Visit site
1. Paintballs (by the case). 2
2. Paintball markers/equipment 3
3. Jeans. 1
4. Sports-wear. 2
5. Suits 3
6. Beer. 1
7. Gaming Consoles. 1
8. Sunglasses. 1
9. Shoes. 1
10. Cell-Phones. 3


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
Thanks Guys.

Now, my next question is only addressed to people that have been kind enough to fill out the Questionaire so far (there are 10 of you.)

You just had your wages/income slashed. You now have 50% of the money that was previously available to you. You have to make cuts to make ends meet.

Please answer the questions again, and be realistic/truthful about the sacrifices you have to make. Identify your priorities and reset your expectations.

PS. Wihglah - I like your style! But like everyone else, you now have to make cuts. Imagine that you HAVE to buy these things within a time-frame, and are not able to wait until you can buy the best.


Speedball in the woods!
May 30, 2009
Manea, Cambs.
1. Paintballs (by the case). - 2.
2. Paintball markers/equipment. - 2.
3. Jeans. - 2.
4. Sports-wear. - 1.
5. Suits - 3.
6. Beer. - 2.
7. Gaming Consoles. -3.
8. Sunglasses. -1.
9. Shoes. -2.
10. Cell phones. -3.

Potter Loki

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2007
1. Paintballs (by the case). 2
2. Paintball markers/equipment 2
3. Jeans. 1
4. Sports-wear. 2
5. Suits 2
6. Beer. 1
7. Gaming Consoles. 2
8. Sunglasses. 1
9. Shoes. 2
10. Cell-Phones. 2


Now I originate.............
Jan 6, 2009
Crystal lake
1. Paintballs (by the case).3
2. Paintball markers/equipment 3
3. Jeans. 2
4. Sports-wear. 2
5. Suits 2
6. Beer. 2
7. Gaming Consoles. 3
8. Sunglasses. 3
9. Shoes. 3
10. Cell-Phones. 3


Free Agent
Sep 26, 2006
1. Paintballs (by the case). 1
2. Paintball markers/equipment 1
3. Jeans. 1
4. Sports-wear. 1
5. Suits 1
6. Beer. 2
7. Gaming Consoles. 1
8. Sunglasses. 1
9. Shoes. 2
10. Cell-Phones. 1

There you go, I dont think I'd ever fully skimp on trainers or beers, but to be honest I can happily live with the most basic of all the other things.

Sid Sidgwick

Tinkering ain’t easy
1. Paintballs (by the case). 2
2. Paintball markers/equipment 3
3. Jeans. 2
4. Sports-wear. 2
5. Suits 2
6. Beer. 2
7. Gaming Consoles. 3
8. Sunglasses. 2
9. Shoes. 2
10. Cell-Phones. 3

Version 2

1. Paintballs (by the case). 2
2. Paintball markers/equipment 3
3. Jeans. 1-Could manage with cheaper brands
4. Sports-wear. 1-Olden is golden :rolleyes:
5. Suits 1-I could mnage with cheaper well made suits
6. Beer. 2
7. Gaming Consoles. 1-Can live without a console for the amount I play
8. Sunglasses. 1-Again could manage with a cheaper pair
9. Shoes. 2
10. Cell-Phones. 2-I could manage with an older model

My version 2 shows how my spending would change, paintball spending would still be my major costing over other items. What suprised me was that I would rather have cheaper jeans than change to a cheaper alcoholic beverage. I feel I could save money reguarly if i looked for quality cheaper brands of clothing than I currently purchase.


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
1. Paintballs (by the case) - 1
2. Paintball markers/equipment - 2
3. Jeans - 1
4. Sports-wear - 1
5. Suits - 1
6. Beer - 2
7. Gaming Consoles - 2
8. Sunglasses - 2
9. Shoes - 2
10. Cell-Phones - 2

Categories are:

1. Paintballs (by the case) - 0
2. Paintball markers/equipment - 0
3. Jeans - 1
4. Sports-wear - 0
5. Suits - 1
6. Beer - 0
7. Gaming Consoles - 1
8. Sunglasses - 0
9. Shoes - 1
10. Cell-Phones - 2

Paintball stuff would be sold to free up money, it'd go on the backburner until I could afford to play again, hence the 0's. For all of the other 0's, I'd either give up completely (ie: beer) or stick with what I've got (ie: Sunglasses) until they die, and then probably not bother with them. Gaming consoles s a 1 because if mine died and had to be replaced (which has happened before :( ), I would replace it with the cheapest I could find. If I had to, I'd attempt to buy the phone at the level I've shown, but if money was really tight I'd settle for a 1 (Which has also happened before:( ).