Me, slaggin you off, never ever ever would I slag you off.
Mate, I was not having a go, goodness, look at the
and the
I was havin a laugh, honest guvner.
If I have offended you I am deeply sorry, my intentions were one of jest and relaxed banter.
As for prizes......
and thats the truth I have no idea what has been said or sent to the Irish guys and just to let you know I have not spoken to any of them since Campaign...just tossed aside like a used...erm...children reading this 
See you soon my Big Friend.
Oh and rankings have to be looked at by an independent body for the Millennium commitee....just my 10p worth on the actual thread.
See you all soon.
Me, slaggin you off, never ever ever would I slag you off.
Mate, I was not having a go, goodness, look at the
If I have offended you I am deeply sorry, my intentions were one of jest and relaxed banter.
As for prizes......
See you soon my Big Friend.
Oh and rankings have to be looked at by an independent body for the Millennium commitee....just my 10p worth on the actual thread.
See you all soon.