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Get Rid of Saddam
Yeah sure get rid of Mr Hussien, so you've killed him, what now?
He simply gets replaced by some other madman. Don't get me wrong he should be removed from office (dictatorship dosen't have a great pension plan) bt we need to think about what wil replace him?
If he goes whilst US (and by the looks of it British) forces are there it may be OK, however as soon as they leave whats stopping Iran, or someone else, taking over? I think Tom Clancy dealt with this topic well in one of his books, the Iraqi leader was assassinated and Iran moved in creating the United Islamic Republic. Needless to say it all goes pear shaped from there! And there is a long history of hatred between those two countries.
If he is secretly making nuclear weapons he MUST be stopped. He's probably already got enough Bio & Chemical weapons to make a mess anyway.
On the Bush issue although he is a bit of an idiot, I'm glad Al Gore didn't win, he'd still be deciding what to do about 9/11. And yeah Tony Blair is a complete tit!
My solution, send in a few squads of SAS or the US Delta Force and annialate Saddam and a few others.
Yeah sure get rid of Mr Hussien, so you've killed him, what now?
He simply gets replaced by some other madman. Don't get me wrong he should be removed from office (dictatorship dosen't have a great pension plan) bt we need to think about what wil replace him?
If he goes whilst US (and by the looks of it British) forces are there it may be OK, however as soon as they leave whats stopping Iran, or someone else, taking over? I think Tom Clancy dealt with this topic well in one of his books, the Iraqi leader was assassinated and Iran moved in creating the United Islamic Republic. Needless to say it all goes pear shaped from there! And there is a long history of hatred between those two countries.
If he is secretly making nuclear weapons he MUST be stopped. He's probably already got enough Bio & Chemical weapons to make a mess anyway.
On the Bush issue although he is a bit of an idiot, I'm glad Al Gore didn't win, he'd still be deciding what to do about 9/11. And yeah Tony Blair is a complete tit!
My solution, send in a few squads of SAS or the US Delta Force and annialate Saddam and a few others.