In my opinion even if someone has over priced something you don't get involved... not helpful to point out someone ius over charging... just annoying...
End of the day it won't sell and they will have to bring the price down.
If your not interested in buying something then why comment?
Who are we to say it is too much? Things are only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it.
Fair point you make about newbies Skeet, but in the same token I would like to think if you were dropping a large wedge of cash on something you would a. look at there current market value and b. ask around to see if it is a good deal. Someone who overpays for something without doing either of these simple things doesn't have anyone to blame but themselves no?
I was looking at a new car the past few months (when I say new I mean 12 year old
). There were some for £4000 and the same exact car/age/mileage etc for £10000. I didn't complain they were over charging, I weighed up the pros and cons of condition v price etc and researched the market a bit first...