Walking back to the safezone yesterday, a bloke came up to me and said all his paint had dissapeared. I asked him what he meant and looked in his hopper, he had a couple of burst balls inside. His reply was a ball exploded and all the rest vanished!!!.
Recently 5 of us where down the site training for a tourney, three of us being marshalls at the site took on about 20 recballers, too easy, We were playing in the woods with a fort. One of the punters had misheard the rules and thought to win the game he just had to get insde the fort. Too our amusement seen as it was a total anilation game, never aless two us spun on him and gave him the good news, he wasnt even carrying his marker because he thought he could run faster without it.
Recently 5 of us where down the site training for a tourney, three of us being marshalls at the site took on about 20 recballers, too easy, We were playing in the woods with a fort. One of the punters had misheard the rules and thought to win the game he just had to get insde the fort. Too our amusement seen as it was a total anilation game, never aless two us spun on him and gave him the good news, he wasnt even carrying his marker because he thought he could run faster without it.