Once showed a punter (he was curious) how to make a Tippy "sound" like its FA (thumb, gently on cocking lever)...GOD! Doesnt take long for word to get round does it?
Some of them mastered it really quickly...running full tillt, Tippy going nuts ...nobody getting shot.
"Marshall, can I shoot you?" Yeah, I like that one too...also liek it when, they really want to "play the marshalls" so, you show em how fast your super e-gat is, before the game...."WOW! Thats nuts! "Yes...thats about 8 Balls per second you know!
Game on...5 marshalls hold down 20 punters with 16 Bps each...funny...especially teh ones who think ist safer INSIDE the huts, you have to mug em through teh window, so they can atleast leap out of teh door, otherwise its just not fair.