Get ya petrol lighter out........
Originally posted by manike
It may not be a direct cost to your wallet but do not be blinded from the business motivations behind such boards as this. You think those adverts above are put up by the goodness of p8ntballers hearts? 
I see your point, but to look at it on such a large scale is quite petty. The products we buy DO pay for the adverts that DO help out the site with money. But be honest manike.... How often have u clicked on that dammed BOOMSTICK banner... once, if that. Going on standard payment for web banner your looking at about 0.7c per click, and those banners get clicked once MAX by each member.
So. going on the math’s that there is 5 banners clicked, totaling to 3.5c per member (2726 of to date) = 9541c = $95.41
BIG WHOOP! That would pay for a few months hosting (quite allot of MB used on this site I’d say).
Also, u say buying PGI contributes. For less then £3 a month, after paying wages etc (of which most people that read it don't buy it, if that other thread is to be believed)... how much do you think gets pumped into the website? I'd wager very little!
I wouldn't say these eyes are quite so innocent.
But all that aside. We don't pay "DIRECTLY" for this forum, i believe does charge, and you'd pretty much find the same degree of tossers and "bent mods" (oooo ducky

) on there (allot more yanks too!!!

Wise up, this forum is a MASSIVE asset to the UK 'ballin scene, and i for one would have ALOT less knowledge as far as paintballing and lego men are concerned (thx guppy

). Not to mention alot less 2nd hand kit
Also, don't get me wrong manike, this was not a flame against you, its directed at the people that over the past few months who have been quite outspoken over the past about how these forums are ran.
On another note.. WTF!!! A serious post from me?
-MIDGE!!!! Rahhh!
PS. Anyone else noticed the large amount of PAINTBALLER12874618237678126387XXX joining up recently! Becomes very confusing