Talk about conspiracy theories...
Originally posted by rancid
Manike.... awww c'mon. I don't make the connection between your paintball mission and making 30 odd posts on a tiny issue.
If you spend as much time looking through forums or working as I do, then you appreciate being able to find information where you expect/want it to be.
I have maybe 4 individual forums on the net which always have a browser window open. I check other forums on a site occasionally when I remember in order to try and avoid missing anything interesting. I admit to being sad and addicted but I also don't like missing stuff. I am involved in many different facets of paintball and keeping up to date with it all isn't so easy!
Having to work through 5 different forums on a site to keep involved with the issues that interest me takes time I don't always have. I must admit until this fiasco I would never even bother going to the announcements forum because all the information I wanted was in the forums I already visited... now I have to keep tabs on another forum as well as the tourny forum in order to find out what is going on. Maybe I am just lazy at heart? (

not likely ) Actually It's more like I don't have as much time as I would like to do everything that I want to do...
It's not a tiny issues to those of us that use your service, that's why so many people have made comments.
The other reasons were as stated above. I'd like people who want information and who are not regulars to be able to find it where they expect it.
What other reasons or connections would you like to find?
Maybe it just suprises you that someone isn't motivated by money or ulterior motives, but still cares about our sport?
I guess I also like debates. Mass ones especially.
Once I get started it's hard to stop...
(It's also in part my pet hate of jobsworths and people who can't admit when they have made a mistake or are wrong).
Originally posted by rancid
There are bigger and better issues in which to sink your teeth.
Such as? As you may have noticed I am not shy of sinking my teeth into issues that I feel affect me or paintball

I actually think the issues of how people use this board and get their information to be quite a big and important issue. There are a lot of first time visitors here due to the PGI coverage it gets. Those are important people to me, and I think it important to make their use of the board as easy and as simple as possible.
Let's face it there are a lot of dumb paintballers out there, that won't read past the Tournament title and thus won't get to see valid information in 'announcements'. While I am all about survivial of the fittest I also think we need to pander to them... (sometimes). They tend to make up the majority
I do post quite differently on this board to most I visit since I know more of the people here. But in general I post to help. I know I get into a lot of banter here as well but that's not my 'normal' posting style on the net. Maybe cos I feel more at home with the locals here?
Originally posted by rancid
I'm outta here... unless people want to continue to talk about how ****in good I am at playing.
I think that was just Pete licking arse since you are his boss... I never thought you were that good