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we need a 7man national tourney


P8nt'in Yo Face Since 03
how about xball as 7 man insted of 5 man ????:D
well, the point of having 5 men in x-ball is that you can have a bigger supporting team so players can switch in and out over the gametime.
Playing x-ball for an hour with just five people is hard enough, with 7 men you'd all need to be superfit and even then you'd be suffering to keep up the standard.
Ideally you want to replace every member of the 5 man team if required, hence having a minimum team of 10 players. Finding 10 dedicated players is hard enough never mind 14!

Hope that kinda answers your question :)


I cant shoot
Feb 28, 2006
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think he was kidding chris. im fairly sure ive already pointed out what rus has said.... although in a more player ish jargonish mess of a post.

if the mills was 7 man it would dictate the format for the lower league. as the mills is whatthe upper echelon are aiming for. If like lump put it everything was under one hat. each event organiser was involved, the fields/refs and organising staff would be better and im fairly sure that the event could support multiple formats, multiple fields and potentially more players.

and for the record xball lite sucks. i would have never voted for that over 7 man. just like diet pepsi sucks when compared to full fat! full Xball is in my humble opinion the only way to go about it. All or nothing.


P8nt'in Yo Face Since 03
think he was kidding chris. im fairly sure ive already pointed out what rus has said.... although in a more player ish jargonish mess of a post.

if the mills was 7 man it would dictate the format for the lower league. as the mills is whatthe upper echelon are aiming for. If like lump put it everything was under one hat. each event organiser was involved, the fields/refs and organising staff would be better and im fairly sure that the event could support multiple formats, multiple fields and potentially more players.

and for the record xball lite sucks. i would have never voted for that over 7 man. just like diet pepsi sucks when compared to full fat! full Xball is in my humble opinion the only way to go about it. All or nothing.
i know he was kidding, but just in case :rolleyes:

who says the mills format is what the "upper echelon" want, i know a few upper level players who stopped playing because of the CPL format.
Personally i'd rather support a league which plays predominantly in the UK and maybe now and again elsewhere in Europe for cups or whatever.
Hell maybe we should have a world cup that is actually played all over the world not just in US and France ;)

I don't think any of the other "international" leagues is involved in the decision for UK 7 man. If the UK had weather like the US (aka HB) then everyone would be playing whatever the hell they wanted including 7man with no issues.

And once again I say that I love playing x-ball, but I also love playing 7man. Everyone should have the choice of which there is a distinct lack of this year.
Its 5man non x-ball, 5man x-ball lite, 5man full xball or 5man woodsball (maybe there is a 7man or 10man woodsball event i've not been keeping up).


London Impact
Jul 9, 2007
I think that a 7 man event would be fantastic that was my first ever tourny game and since then have only played 5 man but i always look back and had a really good game....I personally prefer 7 man but thats just my opinion.

Even if it was held as a one of event maybe just to see how much interest would be generated ?