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we need a 7man national tourney


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
good for you, to be honest there is room for multiple formats, just not enough room for all the organisers!!!

yeah, i think players need to realise which tourneys are doing good work for their sport and which are just doing it for their back pocket.

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
We are not just talking past event organisers, but current ones as well
Telling you now
We could run a 7 man tournament on August 3rd @ Elsham
min 11, max 22 teams,
£35 pp
£140 deposit per team
H-Pac air
min 9 refs per field + ultimate
Probable Industry support
But then who would play it.
Talk is cheap and excuses are even cheaper

If we build it then they will come - yer right

ps there are less organisers now that there was in 2004


Super Robeenio
Dec 4, 2002
Staying warm on a sunday!
this is a players game, but the players never want to say what they want lol
there is an underlying issue in that people are very much group swayed.
and thats even in internet world
if a few prominant members are seen to be voting for/against then the lesser prominent dont want to be seen in the OUT crowd.

there is a lot of nicey nicey approach to the uk paintball scene.
and in all honesty the bullsh!t has gotta stop!

i think some tourny organisers have created a situation where as if anyone badmouths them... then there is a massive outcry from loyal supporters, most of which are whipper snappers who have 60,000 posts and have been playing for 3 months. and then all attempts are made to rubbish both that person and the team. to which the marshalls are all privy to!

you know what would make sense? having 2 series running on the SAME date, SAME Venue. which ever format they wish to present.

then both teams and spectators can decide for themselves which looks exciting and playable.
organisers there are put into a very open market where it is in their interest to keep pleasing the customer... yes you lot!!
and will always try to out do one another. or forfeit the risk of losing teams.

more teams are in one location, so you really do get to see what a REAL div1 team looks like. and you then start to create a much bigger and almost Sport like atmosphere/event.


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
good post sick. and we keep going around the issue of organisers. i would love it if the uk was all under one hat. multiple formats. well organised and dated out across the country. this would also help teams sort there **** out and get the uk sorted