The ideas, as always, have merit. Offering choice to players at events that span the uk is a great idea. I suspect that there are some organisational issues that would need sorting (too many cooks etc) (and I don't mean cook$
It is the players that need to decide but we are fickle things and we do change our mind. I would support 7 man, had a great time playing it....in fact, sod it, I just want to play paintball and its pretty good in all its guises
When the 7 man disappeared from the UKM and xball lite appeared, I believed it to be an "elitist" thing. It seems to have dropped off the radar, so I don't know what to make of that
. Going forward, these sort of changes only work if the players are prepared to support it.......and that is something that I do not believe will happen ......unfortunately

It is the players that need to decide but we are fickle things and we do change our mind. I would support 7 man, had a great time playing it....in fact, sod it, I just want to play paintball and its pretty good in all its guises
When the 7 man disappeared from the UKM and xball lite appeared, I believed it to be an "elitist" thing. It seems to have dropped off the radar, so I don't know what to make of that