Eh up listen in here fellas, just been cutting the grass outside the Big House and this big Jeep drives up, this geeza gets out and walks over ta me and Say's "Oi you have missed a large area there, you dirty lag!! " So I tell him ta do one ya nosesy screw, then he just walks up and drops the nut on me boatrace, I get up ta do him and he's already got a stun gun aimed at me the wuss and then says's "don't bother mate!!! ill drop you again", so I backs off, ill tell ya, its something ta do with that Frobes, he looks like sum sort of trouble shooter, you can't miss him he's very talk and very quick, I'm quick but this geeza is like double time with his hands, whats he doing here and who is ?, anyone know ? oh and by the way I heard his screw mate call him Marc, who the monkeys is he ? just watch out for him fellas, he ain't no messa, Ill shake some trees and see what falls out, when I know who he is ill tell ya.