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Warped presents Lockdown IV: Cell Soldiers


May 30, 2013
Right then lets av it right! If we don't pick the daisies who else is gonna lay flowers on the Sweeney graves!!! Don't worry tho we'll make those boys on B wing dig u some nice spots next to the S#¥Thouse! Hahahahahaha
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Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2008
Board of your self, well you wont be board for much longer.
Act like a criminal to catch a criminal. And you lot are in our way.
so if you don't move those graves will be for you lot. You can give our regards to the big man. But its not our turn yet. But when it is hell can open Its gates for us. As we are the true bad lads and you are just copycat wannabes.


May 29, 2013
This is a message fot the UFF, please take this code it's worth $5,000 pirson credits, goodbye..........................................


May 29, 2013
Hello please take this Code, New Scotland Yard main door Pass Code 1415 good bye...................................................

paul warped

May 29, 2013
OK peeps, A little bit info on Lockdown 4, Game outline and Game notes, so please read on and take it all in.

There will be four main bases on the playing arena, these will be each factions home and start base for the the whole day, before the game begins your faction will take your gathered resource's to your allocated base, when the game begins, it is your factions job to rob and steal more resources off other factions and of cause keep your own resource's, each resource item is worth hard cash to your faction, so don't let another faction roll you over and take your gear, the game will stop ever 90 minutes and the cash scores with be totted up, more resource's will be added to the game over the day for you guys to row over.
A. Resources and on game cash.
Each Faction needs resources and cash to start with in there game, e.g. starting cash and starting resources like Green leaf, Bacca, Hooch and hard cash to make deals with to take in to the game arena to play the game, there is only one way get your cash and resources before you play, and that is to collect your codes, look out for Cash Codes with your factions name on and keep them, also look out for Resource Codes like ( Green Leaf code 5528 ) for example, keep these too, the more codes your gather, the more resources and cash your Faction will be given to take on field and use, all cash and resources will be give to each Faction leader during the pre game morning brief before the game beings, with out these codes your Faction could walking into the game empty handed.

All codes will be released by CRAIG , Look out for him on Warped Paintball Club, Facebook , UKS and P8ntballer

B. Stashes / Resource's and Scoring
Resources cash for each Stash item
Points are as follows, but stash items must be in your Factions base at the END of each scoring period.
Green Leaf £20,000
Bacca £15,000
Hooch £10,000
More Resources will be added to the game during the day so keep an eye out for them, if you see any of them, get them back to your base quick as you can.
If you are carrying stash / resource's and you get eliminate please stay in the game, DO not move and wait for a player to take them off you, and any faction player can do this.
There will be a Stash box inside your base, all resource's MUST be kept in there, and NOT hidden away out of sight in your base, the only time they can be moved, is if your base is raided by another faction or they are moved by a Marshall because they have been sold, again once your or your team have placed recourse's in to your Stash box they CAN NOT be moved by your faction again, cash will be only banked against what resource's are in your factions Stash box at the end of that scoring period, there is NO cash banked for possession of resource's out side of your base.

C. Deals made and sell offs
A cash deal can be done by your faction leader via a deal broker, if your faction leader has asked for help off another Faction or a sell off, he must offer a figure of cash, if this is accepted by the the other faction the cash will be transferred to that faction and taken from your factions account, a buy off or deal maybe only done once during the day, but remember the other faction could barter back and asked for more cash, a deal must be accepted by both parties, to set a deal you must contact Paul Parkes Via Radio or speak with him on field, this must be done 30 minutes before you want to deal, so it can be brokered and you can only deal or broker with one faction once, a deal will only last 30 minutes of game time no longer.

Your faction leader can also sell unwanted resource's to raise cash, this also needs to be brokered, but if you sell and make a deal, and your base gets raided before the hand over and your faction loses all their stash, you will need to pay compo money to the other faction on the stash sold, double money !!!! will be taken from your faction account, is it worth the risk ?

D. Base pass Codes and Faction options.
There will be four bases on the game arena and before a player can get in to a base he or she must open the door with a pass code, you will not able to enter or you faction, if you don't have the right pass code for the right base, every time your faction raids a base you must have the right code to that particular base, it must be inputted in to a micro touch pad to gain access for you or your faction, then go take your loot.

The four bases are
A wing
B wing
New Scotland Yard
Corrections Central
You will not need a pass code for your own base, once again look out for info off CRAIG. about Base Pass Codes and keep it safe

If your base is raided by the Sweeney and there are less than two players defending your stash, they must surrender their arms, they will be hand cuffed and a bail must be paid to the Sweeney of £5000 per player. so watch out for this, keep on your toes, the Sweeney can only play this card once.

If Mr Forbes decides to go on high alert and use his full riot squad, all his crew will carry shields, no shots on the shields will count, only full body and gun shots will count, he will only be able to use his full riot squad once for a ten minute period during the day. so pick your shots shots, tip here shoot their feet, however he can use his small four man snatch Squad all day and same rule applies with shield shots

Both UFF and The Business INC like to use Molotov Cocktails in riots in the past and will used them in this riot, I'm sure, if you SEE or here a Marshall shouting petrol bomb he telling you there is one coming in, there will be a loud bang and anyone caught in a 10 m radius of that Marshall will be taken off the game, both factions can only use there Molotov bombs twice during the day, faction leaders must tell game staff at least 5 minutes before they are to be deployed and where on the game, just mind they don't drop one on your base.

Your faction leader also may ask for tear gas or pepper spray used, this will give you faction a 15 m clear pull back of all players from your base for two minutes, this will cost your faction £10,000 cash and can only be used once during the day, however please note game staff can use the above at any time during the game to break up a riot.

E. Re spawn
There are two ways to re spawn and get yourself back in the action, firstly your faction will be given 30 fresh arm bands every 90 minutes and you need a dedicated medic to issue them, you can buy extra arm bands out of your faction cash at £1000 per 10 arm bands or you can go to the nearest marshal who will record you and put you back in the game, a record of your players shot and re spawned by a Marshall will also come off your cash at the end of the day. remember this guys.

There is an unwritten rule between firms and factions, if you are shot, you are shot !!! there is honour amongst thief's respect it, walk off and re spawn.

G. General Game Notes.

No camping, please give players a chance to re spawn, you will be asked to move.

Event paint only please, there will be a single colour event ball on site. so please support the event thanks.

No grasses or turncoats within factions please unless, it is written in or ok'd by Paul Parkes prior to the event.

FPS 280 peeps please, on field cronno's will be out, let keep things safe.

Please bring a watch, you will need it.

Please bring with you all game codes you have collected, you will defo need them.

Thank you for reading and enjoy our game.

Regards Parksey the Governor.

See you guys in the middle.


Paint Magnet
Jul 2, 2011
Board of your self, well you wont be board for much longer.
Act like a criminal to catch a criminal. And you lot are in our way.
so if you don't move those graves will be for you lot. You can give our regards to the big man. But its not our turn yet. But when it is hell can open Its gates for us. As we are the true bad lads and you are just copycat wannabes.
We dont have to act like criminals, We are 100% bonified bad asses and if you get in the way we will roll over ya.
Just be carefull who roll's over ya though....
Some of the lads have a bit of pent up frustration if ya know what I mean ;)


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2008
We dont have to act like criminals, We are 100% bonified bad asses and if you get in the way we will roll over ya.
Just be carefull who roll's over ya though....
Some of the lads have a bit of pent up frustration if ya know what I mean ;)
JOKER....... the only thing you will be rolling over is the ground when you got barrels in the back of your head.