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Views on the first leg of the PA league / Chelsea tributes


New Member
Feb 27, 2003
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sorry we couldnt be there with the boss marshalling but somebody wanted the muts nuts of reffin teams for peanuts peace n love McD


Smakin your Bitch up
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by Parksy
I would guess if someone played on with obvious hits and eliminated players that

a. He would be pulled and get a -25 penalty.

b. the players would be wiped down and put back in the game?

Or am I missing something?
there was a c. option

c. player played on with obvious hit (normaly starts a run thro) EVERYBODY got taken out. No penalty inforced, apology after the game - sorry too late now games over, no replays. :(


Smakin your Bitch up
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by Dark Warrior
Whether you are in favour or not this, league does not and as far as i remember never has played that rule. I actually prefer the 1 - 4 - 1 but then I like the 321 scoring the Millennium events are thinking of using.
Abide by and play by the rules of the tournament organiser.
I assume you guys came to play and to win, but obviously did not read the rules. Now you know the rules get out there and do what you do best playing and winning.
I like the new scoring system to - easier for spectators, same as 1-4-1 which doesn't give an advantage to the cheating team while the games in progress.

And yes of course we will like it or lump it but we are airing opinions on an open forum for anyone discuss :D


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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I favour 1:4:1s it's cleaner, and stops 10% of the games turning into a run through blast fest (i.e. last game of the day, you can't get "sosta'd"), but hey it's their event. As Andy said however 1:4:1s pulled correctly are better than penalty points for the crowd, the problem is Russ was previously not convinced some of the PA refs had the cajonnes to pull them properly. Well surely this is a training issue for the refs. If refs keep pulling arm bands is quite entertaining, and we recently watched an English team get 4:4:1'd in Spain for a combination of playing on then toy throwing. Bloody entertaining.

The PA has to realise as better players play their event the adrenalin level is going to increase to a level the refs can't currently control. Toy throwing can't be controlled by penalty points, you need to pull armbands.

Personally I think Penalty points are for Novices, the PA may discover that they need to re-examine their penalty system and marshal training.


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
The gun rules currently in use at the PA are the same as last year, uncapped semi only.

According to a post I've seen on the PA forums the rule has been approved by the HO, and now the PA are working out the best way to bring in the rule from the points of view of the players, the manufacturers, and the PA.

Personally I say if it's been approved, then bring it in immediately. Then again, I would, I've already got the Musashi 3 chip for my matrix :D
Approved to what level?

Spoke to a guy on the phone and he says "yeah, can't see a problem" or actually got an official letter stating that someone arrested for an offence involving a ramping gun will not be prosecuted under the full auto firearms legislation(s)?

And...if they went 'back' to semi auto for this event how was it enforced, still random, subjective tests by unqualified refs, or did they use their new super robot HAL thingy to prove true semi?

just asking...


F*ck Those Guys
Jul 6, 2001
beaks it was just normal chrony judge checkin your gun before you stepped on field and most only did a few shots

Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London

I'd like to see the 1-4-1 rule destroyed once more - please go ahead, I'm bored at work.

In the mean time, penalties were removed from paintball way back in the mists of time. It was accepted that they didnt work and that 1-4-1 was far far better.

After all, if a ref is competent enough to assess penalty points after a game he can apply a 1-4-1 during it

In expectation of your enlightenment

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
Originally posted by Mark Toye-Nexus

I'd like to see the 1-4-1 rule destroyed once more - please go ahead, I'm bored at work.

In the mean time, penalties were removed from paintball way back in the mists of time. It was accepted that they didnt work and that 1-4-1 was far far better.

After all, if a ref is competent enough to assess penalty points after a game he can apply a 1-4-1 during it

In expectation of your enlightenment
I have just checked this and since you are bored at work I will reply as soon as I can.
However I have to do some paid work to put with the fortune the PA pay me so it will have to be tonight.
But if you want to start a new thread of with your viewpoints and I can reply tonight.
And if we can ask the mods to keep the ****e off there it may work for both of us.



Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
I shall be feverishly watching my beloved Blues overcome the mighty Barca tonight

As it happens I have a mountain of work to do too so should be on here either - how work gets in the way of our favoured pursuits!!

Looking forward to the continued debate!!
