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Views on the first leg of the PA league / Chelsea tributes


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
Having just read this thread I would like to say.......... Nice work James.

Good solid statement few good points few bad points, as a paying customer good for feed back.

Top answer to your customers and nice to see James comments are taken on board and answered diplomatically.

James cardinal sin, you complained about the PA league! Silly James

Sorry for the thread jack Mark.......... Back on subject........ Football is a game of 2 halfs!


Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
But shouldn't Champions League stuff be in MLT? :rolleyes: :D
Champs League = whiny overpaid ****s...let's talk about Mick Mac's red and white army.


Originally posted by Parksy
Let's talk Marco Gabbiadini scoring at Sid James' Park and knocking you out of the playoffs, so you smashed up the Bigg Market again
Might have known that a mention of whiny overpaid players would attract a Mag - seeing as that's what your lot specialise in. That and racist thugs, obviously...

Mind, it's also about the Champions League, something you'd not know much about...:p

Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
Good to see we are right back on track with this jacked thread

I have no idea who Parksy and Duff are talking about though?

Can we keep this fully concentrating on the Champions elect - CHELSEA and their impending 3-0 demolition of the Catalunyans please?

As an aside - Pipes - James Adkin is 'a ginger' and its not good to be seen collaberating with them

It does show your compassionate side though. Charity to all men only goes so far though.

Anyway, C'mon the Chels'!!!!!!!!!

Having read a number of PA based threads, it amazes me the ferocity and fervour with which people defend it. It has made many important improvements to the way we view UK paintball, however, to treat any criticisms with such contempt is a touch on the arrogant side.

I have had a part in organising tournies for a few years and know just how hard it is. But those events would never have changed if people hadn't voiced their complaints. The PA is just another league or tournament, it suffers from the same politics, the same egos and the same belief that it is better than the events around it. It is a shame to see Russ get so defensive since i know that he more than capable of a reasoned conversation. Like Pipe's said, the players are customers and they pay a significant amount of money to play. Organisers need to stop arguing that players can vote with their feet and put aside the appalling arrogance of this sentiment. In the UK we have a relatively small number of tournament series and so the choices aren't available to players who are not happy with a certain event. This has lead to a degree of complaicency (sp) within the existing leagues.

When dealing with paying customers the old adage 'the customer is always right'should be at the forefront of the organisers thoughts. They are not doing us a favour, they are supplying a service and when a customer chooses to criticise that service they would do well to ask themselves why and take it on board.

By the way - sorry to thread jackagain, had enough of dealing with the footie at work (boss is in Milan and keeps ringing us to remind us!!)

Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London

You are flying close to the wind with that post

If I had moderators powers I would have pummelled my ban button for such blatant thread jack jacking rejacking jack activity

However as your boss appears to be 'red scum' I will forgive you.

When he arrives back to work (which must be in Crawley if he supports Man U) let him know the 'error of his ways' for me.

Will do, as far as red scum and crawley goes i will give him his dues, he does actually live in Manchester. However, this doesn't go far enough to forgive him. Anyways, i gotta go findout who the seaguls are playing this weekend - Europe is for wanna be's!


kiss my face
one thing i think is really stupid is when the field ultimate says before a game
'now there are some inexperianced marshals on the field so everyone on their best behaviour'

now i don't know about u but that always makes me think 'other' players might be tempted to push the rules like the famous 'its off the bunker marshal'
why can't the ultimates just keep everyone anonymous (no marshal shirt numbers), even better why don't they say everyones really experianced and wont hesitate to 1 for 1,
on that note i think 1 for 1s are a must!!!!


Originally posted by Mark Toye-Nexus
Good to see we are right back on track with this jacked thread

I have no idea who Parksy and Duff are talking about though?

Can we keep this fully concentrating on the Champions elect - CHELSEA and their impending 3-0 demolition of the Catalunyans please?

As an aside - Pipes - James Adkin is 'a ginger' and its not good to be seen collaberating with them

It does show your compassionate side though. Charity to all men only goes so far though.

Anyway, C'mon the Chels'!!!!!!!!!

Small town in Fulham, you're just a small town in Fulham...