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Views on the first leg of the PA league / Chelsea tributes

Mike (Exodus)

Where's me cheese?
Nov 9, 2001
Penalty Points

The big problem with handing out penalty points and making an offending team lose a player for the next round is that the team that they cheated against has still lost all the points they might have otherwise gained. 1-4-1s go some way to redressing the balance there and then but you do need marshals that are on the ball and have the bottle to implement it.

Too many marshals on Sunday were intimidated by or were in awe of some of the players - or if they weren't it sure looked like it.


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
Agreed that it benefits the next team that the penalised team plays against, but it's more of a deterent.

In the PA 50 game points can cost you 5 or 6 division places on the day. Which can cost you 5 or 6 league points. Which can cost you a promotion/cause you to be relegated. And this isn't taking into account the fact that your next game is harder due to having one player less.

And Fly, I totally agree on the Hollyoaks thing. Good job there's a late night special in the pipeline :D

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
Views on the first leg of the PA league?

Originally posted by james adkin
Ok guys and girls these are my views of sundays tournament.

Location/Site was good, fields laid out well and the playing surface pretty good so no complains there.

Judging was dreadfull. I simply dont think the marshalls had done a tournament before and so seemed to be a little suprised when the close bunkering calls were asked by them. Someone was speaking about a written exam they all do? This seems pointless considering most of them were not even standing in the right places?

Also why is the event adopting rules such as a centre flag grap with extra points for graping it? Shirts tucked into packs? Both feet behind starting lines that on some fields are not even there?

And no one4ones? These are just asking for trouple on the field

If the NPPL, PSP, NCPA ect are happy with shirts out, flags at bases etc then why does this event need to be different?

Overall it was a good event, decent players area and well laid out. The playing scedule and timings/game starting procedure was the main plus of the event. I just think the organisers
should spend less time on worrying about whether your wearing an orange wrist band and concerntrate on geting the basics like the rules of the game, laid out like the other succesfull leagues

thats my opinions

What a croc of ****.
If you are going to pull the event apart ( And that I dont mind) at least dont talk bollocks.
Yes they do a written exam about the rules, have you even read them!
And has for centre flag grab, that has been in use for a age in fact I think they prefer that way in x ball dont they.
And you want one for ones,Please tell me why, I have not distroyed someones viewpoints on that pathatic rule in at least a week.
What how dare they, make you start with both feet behind the start point because they had a start procedure that the teams voted on, and I bet they made both teams do it as well, *******s.
And why can they not do the same as the PSP and the NPPL who do the PA think they are have they not realised that there is only two letters in PA. must remind them of the pecking order in paintball. But sadly like most of your post its wrong the PSP for sure do not let you wear your tops out, and there is very clear rules on the size you may wear.
But you could be right about the NPPL but no your not, So it must be the Millennium Series then - Oh sorry wrong again,
I bet it is just that rule book thats in your head then, and thats why the PA make their refs take a test on the real rule book, its kinda more reliable than the one you are using.


Super Fly

Nov 8, 2004
Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
And Fly, I totally agree on the Hollyoaks thing. Good job there's a late night special in the pipeline :D
u serious - they are back on! when n where - been searching from them - loved it when it was on!!!



Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
Re: Re: Views on the first leg of the PA league?

Originally posted by Super Fly

i dont even play the PA so i dunno why im posting, guess im bored of hollyoaks, they dont get their tits out enuff these days

You shoulda waited till 18:56 Rebecca in her Pete Tong and matching wonderbra. Bliss.

Anyway, what were we arguing about?

Super Fly

Nov 8, 2004
Re: Re: Re: Views on the first leg of the PA league?

i saw that actually, im still clearing up the dribble

usualy paintball polictics bollocks

after tourney comments

now.. wheres that bleach


Jan 2, 2002
Visit site
Re: Re: Views on the first leg of the PA league?

Originally posted by jonhaley
Yes, but only if the judges are prepared to hand out penalties. How many penalties were actually given on Sunday?

Licoln Storm missed 1st place by 48 points. We recieved 2 x 25 penalty points, 1 for over aggressive play, the other for playing on with a hit (unknown but in a self check zone).
I though the event was spot on, yes some of the marshalls were new that said there were at least 7-8 marshalls per field.
Keep up the excellent work!


Yes I would prefer jersey's untucked, but there ya go :)


Active Member
Jun 24, 2002
slightly off topic but not totally, how do you know the scores? - I've looked but can't find them anywhere...


Smakin your Bitch up
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
Agreed that it benefits the next team that the penalised team plays against, but it's more of a deterent.

In the PA 50 game points can cost you 5 or 6 division places on the day. Which can cost you 5 or 6 league points. Which can cost you a promotion/cause you to be relegated. And this isn't taking into account the fact that your next game is harder due to having one player less.

And Fly, I totally agree on the Hollyoaks thing. Good job there's a late night special in the pipeline :D
I'm all in favour of 1 4 1

I saw one penalty given and it was -25 for playing on. Now -25 from a max score is still totaly worth everyone cheating and only running the risk of being penalised. This I think is a major floor as it seemed to reward playing on.

james adkin

Jul 14, 2001

Those were my views and as far as i can remember the NPPL rules were that the shirt is tucked in to your pack or your playing pants (as in over your pack) If someone has the rules to hand then i accept if i am wrong and as for the 'pathetic rules of the one4one'.

So if someone plays on with obvious hits at the beginning of the game. Eliminates 3 of the other team and therefor turns the game on its head. How will other team be punished for this during the game to somehow repair the damage?

Or what if the player hanging the flag has a hit on him?What then?

How are cheats during the game punished?