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UKM rule Queries

Jon C

Do you play with balls?
Feb 1, 2005
Whore house
ive just had a look at the rules again and it doesn't mention in any part that no mans walk is not allowed (i was very surprised at this).

So in fact Markie as you didnt eliminate yourself by placing hand on head and according to rules hand on head only, placing arm in air if your wanting to be really padantic doesnt count. The marshal did not call you elimated or by using the official eliminated signal.

As long as the account is true (not calling you a liar;) just didnt see the incident as i was reffing on another field) you are still live in my opinion and the refs were wrong. Which field was it?

Jon Field 3 Ultimate ( i will alays stand up and make myself known everyone knows this)

Jon C

Do you play with balls?
Feb 1, 2005
Whore house
I think the meeting at the start of the day scared some teams because we had quite a few people calling themselves out for bounces rather than call for a paintcheck!
Now in mu opinion thats just a dumass move, no ref in his right mind should 1-4-1 a player for asking a paintcheck. All be it if someone did ask me for a paintcheck on his lense i would 1-4-1 for playing on as i dont think the player can miss paint running down in front of his eyes.

though we had people doing all sorts on field 3,

we had someone eliminate themselves when given the clean signal. Numerous people spin round on the clean signal and we even got asked if we had any batteries during a game as a players hopper had gone flat and he needed some spare so he could carry on shooting :D just classic.


#16 Official UK Gunwhore
I was the guy with the hit on the pack, it as PortoX has said it was an old hit from the last month not game (my bad for forgetting to wash pack). There was no other person 'playing on' as I was the last in against lovetone I believe.

Didn't know the reason for you getting pulled but I do know by the time you got back into your bunker you'd been shot anyway.

Sorry for causing grief to PortoX for the call, pack has been washed and it wont happen next month.


DCF Footsoldier.
Apr 18, 2006
Ashbourne (Derbyshire)
it shouldn't matter if a person has an old hit on their pack or not. If there is a hit which is clearly visible, that player should be eliminated. Bottom line is, check your packs etc before you go on field.
yes but wouldnt you prefer it if we used our memories and actually remember the old hit ...

not a problem mate sh*t happens


P8nt'in Yo Face Since 03
yes but wouldnt you prefer it if we used our memories and actually remember the old hit ...

not a problem mate sh*t happens
no, i think that is too much to remember and isn't your job, us players need to make sure we are clean before a game. I for one never rely on a marshal remembering I got mowed in the last game (which I never do btw ;)) i prefer to get rid of all the hits before our next game, and the whole team does a paintcheck on eachother (oo err)

Jon C

Do you play with balls?
Feb 1, 2005
Whore house
it shouldn't matter if a person has an old hit on their pack or not. If there is a hit which is clearly visible, that player should be eliminated. Bottom line is, check your packs etc before you go on field.
not wanting to offend anyone but this is the perfect attitude, us marshls have legitimate hits, bunker rub, spray and knelt on paint to deal with. if there is no paint on you when you start the game perfecto. makes our lives so much easier.

I know i eliminated one flag hanger for a hit on his pack and he said i didnt get hit and the team they were playing against wern't using that paint.

Not wanting to be flippant but he still got eliminated wether he could of prooved it was from the previous game as you shouldnt be coming onto a field with hits on.