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UKM rule Queries


uk outlaws since 1995
Oct 7, 2004
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At the captains meeting of the first game of this year it was said to all present that the self check area was nipple to toe.A game which we played we watched this rule being flowted and the 141 rule was dished out for playing whilst clearly being lit up and also dead players giving advice to there buddies,this team should of known better,also gun ckecking changes from feild to feild?

Markie C

Carlos Spicy Weiner
Aug 1, 2004
Northern Quarter
We had a guy that came to do a run through i shot him and then he went on to shot me and one of the team. i sort of walked out but then there is no hit on me so i go to put my self back in i haven't put my hand on my head or any thing but they tell me to get out.

then there last player has a hit on his pack and hangs the flag and he was the last one left in but when i called the Marshall it was a hit he said it was and it blatantly was.

but hey.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2002
i sort of walked out but then there is no hit on me so i go to put my self back in i haven't put my hand on my head or any thing but they tell me to get out.
If you haven't put your hand on your head, and the marshall hasn't done the hand signal or shouted 'eliminated' etc, then that's just wrong.

I think the meeting at the start of the day scared some teams because we had quite a few people calling themselves out for bounces rather than call for a paintcheck!

Oh yeah, another thing on sunday, I had people come to me & tell me they were bonus balled as they were walking off, yet having watched, they hadn't had their hands on their heads. If you don't put your hand on your head or up in the air then it's your own fault!

Freddie Brockdorff

Olva the Berserker
Aug 22, 2005
Copenhagen, Denmark
A discussion/thread like this just prooves why you should have one rule stating ALL hits are obvious, and if you are found to have a hit on you WITHOUT having called for a paintcheck - then you should get 141d...

Don´t make rules that will have the marshalls themselves consider "Oooh did he know he had the hit - did he feel it/didn´t he?" - piece of freaking cake: If you are found to have a hit on you - pack or no pack - and you haven´t called for a paintcheck = 141 !

Why even start to argue? Only thing that needs improoving is the marshalls way of handling this rule and being consistant! If this rule was indeed "obeyed" all the time, we wouldn´t have this discussion! :)


Retired Gun Whore
Jun 10, 2005
Past Caring!
A discussion/thread like this just prooves why you should have one rule stating ALL hits are obvious, and if you are found to have a hit on you WITHOUT having called for a paintcheck - then you should get 141d...

Don´t make rules that will have the marshalls themselves consider "Oooh did he know he had the hit - did he feel it/didn´t he?" - piece of freaking cake: If you are found to have a hit on you - pack or no pack - and you haven´t called for a paintcheck = 141 !

Why even start to argue? Only thing that needs improoving is the marshalls way of handling this rule and being consistant! If this rule was indeed "obeyed" all the time, we wouldn´t have this discussion! :)
Right as always Frankie x


Northern Heroes #03
Sep 3, 2003
Carlisle UK
Ahh why you all moaning anyway! Now what you really want is a 4-4-1 or was it a 3-4-1 the marshals couldnt quite decide when questioned later on but either way they said 1 of our players played on with a hit off the break an pulled all our team out for it after about 10secs of the game 5 players were literally being dragged off the field by the marshalls. Did that happen to anyone else? NO DONT THINK SO, so wheres the consistency there:confused:


DCF Footsoldier.
Apr 18, 2006
Ashbourne (Derbyshire)
We had a guy that came to do a run through i shot him and then he went on to shot me and one of the team. i sort of walked out but then there is no hit on me so i go to put my self back in i haven't put my hand on my head or any thing but they tell me to get out.

then there last player has a hit on his pack and hangs the flag and he was the last one left in but when i called the Marshall it was a hit he said it was and it blatantly was.

but hey.
I was reffing at that point you mention above ... I didnt see why you couldnt of re-entered the game but it was the ultimates decision to call you eliminated

I put iain back in after al told me too if he had been hit (which he had by yourself). Whilst doing this you were making your way to the dead box so i didnt and wouldnt of seen whether you were clean or not, if you had asked me for a paint check and you were clean i would of put you back gladly. But by this point the ultimate had made his decision to pull you out.

The hit you enquire about on the pack was actually very old ... we had spotted the paint on the pack earlier in the day (as it had 3 different types of paint mixed together it had stained his pack)

so you were just unlucky on the re-entering call but everything else was correct and i would stand by all the other calls.


Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
We had a guy that came to do a run through i shot him and then he went on to shot me and one of the team. i sort of walked out but then there is no hit on me so i go to put my self back in i haven't put my hand on my head or any thing but they tell me to get out.

then there last player has a hit on his pack and hangs the flag and he was the last one left in but when i called the Marshall it was a hit he said it was and it blatantly was.

but hey.
Would it not be classed as a dead mans? Thus resulting in your elimination.

Pedantic i would agree but technically it would be the right call.

Freddie Brockdorff

Olva the Berserker
Aug 22, 2005
Copenhagen, Denmark
well if he didnt have his hand on his head or anything then presumably not? Its not against the rules to walk around the field...
IF you have your hand on your head, then you have automatically called yourself out and can NEVER be put back in play - according to rules at least - so "walking around the field" like suggested in this case actually would be classified as a dead mans walk.... ;)