Biggest problem with this, is that the thread started as an argument between two people... then everyone jumped in. Lot's of nasty little comments, insults etc... not a lot to do with the original topic either. We've played the PA this year, every leg, in spite of being pretty outgunned and outmatched. We didn't pay in advance, but my word and the team name means a lot to me, so we stuck it out. Rather than run off for the hills bleating about how **** the PA is (we weren't up to it, simple as that). Fortunately I'd never shot my mouth off about dominating UK paintball, so it's been OK.
We aren't playing the PA next year, we are moving to other tournies, ones that don't require registration or a commitment to play every leg, we are going to have a relaxed year, enter varied squads into a selection of tournies (I had three squads at simply the best on Sunday). In short, we've made a team decision to play just for fun next year. So, we can leave, head held high, we comitted to a year (verbal only, we paid by the leg) and we played for a year. Reputation intact and we don't feel the need to have a go to justify the fact that we've left.
As for our reasons:
1) The PA was too steep a learning curve, just showing up to play wasn't enough.
2) The quick game turnarounds take the banter out of the day.
3) The consistency of the PA has meant we get to really spot the cheats, at the end of the day, we don't want to play against them. Other tournies, teams change, cheating is just the same, but you can't put a face to it.
4) We are only in it for a laugh.
So, to those players who left early, then jumped on the bandwagon..... why? (Not you Mad-Dog, you had concerns over safety and had the courage of your convictions).
So, four reasons that make the PA too much for us, but ideal for paintball as a sport...... speed, commitment, organisation, consistency and a serious attitude.
So, if you don't like it, don't play it. It's as simple as that. Lots of ballers out there, not sure why anyone feels the need to attack a specific tourney.
Actually, come to think about it, if anyone attacked any other tourney for say...... nets falling and torn netting compromising safety, poor quality air, theft from safe areas etc... etc.... then it's rapidly jumped on and squashed.
The minute certain people are involved, it's open season isn't it? I've had my fair share of disagreements with Hatts (even threatened to kill him once). But why is it OK to personally attack him? I mean really insult him on a forum? It doesn't happen to anyone else. And now that he's banned, what's the point anyway? It's like taking the piss out of France, it stopped being funny when everyone started doing it. That's just bullying.
And yes, we don't do well in football, rugby, cricket, tennis even paintball etc........ but I really, honestly, don't give a toss. I'm a teacher, I'm good at that, I play paintball for fun. Anyone else?
We aren't playing the PA next year, we are moving to other tournies, ones that don't require registration or a commitment to play every leg, we are going to have a relaxed year, enter varied squads into a selection of tournies (I had three squads at simply the best on Sunday). In short, we've made a team decision to play just for fun next year. So, we can leave, head held high, we comitted to a year (verbal only, we paid by the leg) and we played for a year. Reputation intact and we don't feel the need to have a go to justify the fact that we've left.
As for our reasons:
1) The PA was too steep a learning curve, just showing up to play wasn't enough.
2) The quick game turnarounds take the banter out of the day.
3) The consistency of the PA has meant we get to really spot the cheats, at the end of the day, we don't want to play against them. Other tournies, teams change, cheating is just the same, but you can't put a face to it.
4) We are only in it for a laugh.
So, to those players who left early, then jumped on the bandwagon..... why? (Not you Mad-Dog, you had concerns over safety and had the courage of your convictions).
So, four reasons that make the PA too much for us, but ideal for paintball as a sport...... speed, commitment, organisation, consistency and a serious attitude.
So, if you don't like it, don't play it. It's as simple as that. Lots of ballers out there, not sure why anyone feels the need to attack a specific tourney.
Actually, come to think about it, if anyone attacked any other tourney for say...... nets falling and torn netting compromising safety, poor quality air, theft from safe areas etc... etc.... then it's rapidly jumped on and squashed.
The minute certain people are involved, it's open season isn't it? I've had my fair share of disagreements with Hatts (even threatened to kill him once). But why is it OK to personally attack him? I mean really insult him on a forum? It doesn't happen to anyone else. And now that he's banned, what's the point anyway? It's like taking the piss out of France, it stopped being funny when everyone started doing it. That's just bullying.
And yes, we don't do well in football, rugby, cricket, tennis even paintball etc........ but I really, honestly, don't give a toss. I'm a teacher, I'm good at that, I play paintball for fun. Anyone else?