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UK Disgrace


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Jan 5, 2005
North Essex
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Mill & costs

Its about time that people realise that tourney paintball is on the wane.

It is expensive especially the MS. For many teams shelling out £100's for 10 games most of which only last a few mins is well I'm sorry to say just laughable.

Reduce the cost, increase the number of games and then things may improve but it will take time.

From my prospective the main problem here is that if a team emerges and then takes a bit of a bashing in its first few tourneys then often the team split up and then 2 more teams appear and these can be weaker than the original as they will have newer less experienced players.

Being a bit of an old *art I recall when I started playing American Football here in he uk. Exactly the same issue here. Many new teams all spending a fortune on kit, get hammered, split up and start again or worse the "second string" want to play rather than being part of a team set up new teams and get hammered and then disband. The only winners were the kit sellers and those "big names" that set up the leagues.

The answer to paintballs problems is quite simple. Form paintball clubs and from these clubs there will be teams of varying abilities within the clubs. Teams are picked on merit - ability, form etc but above all there has to be a youth team element to encourage the kids to get into what I believe to be a truely great sport.

I know of a site owner who sponsored a MS Div 2 team who gave a set of shirts for a youth team, offered free paint and even offered to assist with transporting the kids......what happened nothing - absolutely nothing.

Any comments on my views are of course welcome but I truely believe the ego's have to go, players have to accept what their ability is but above all get the kids in otherwise this sport will disappear in the UK which would be a tragedy.

God I feel better for that,

AndyDane said:
The people that can afford to do that either have very well paid jobs or live with mummy and daddy.
Not sure where i fit into that but heyhum.

As long as i'm getting somewhere in paintball and still enjoying it then ill do what i can to play. If when it comes to it that means getting a smaller mortgage then so be it. You've obviously chosen otherwise which is fair enough.

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
Do you not agree that the number of events in the run up to Campaign is causing some strain on players pockets and in turn having a knock on effect at the booking office.
All UK event organisers was asked last year when we was told of the M5s if the could not run any events for three or four weeks before campaign to allow players to finance their attendance.
It didn't happen.........



rockin' the corner :}
May 25, 2005
I personally can't wait for this event. it will be my first millenium after signing with The Clan. We will be entering into Div 2 which is cool and i can't wait to knock head with some european 's.

And im a student with no job really so if i cant afford it then i think anybody can really. we even need to think about flights! expense most of you dont have to make.

So get your wallet out dust the moths off and get booked in.

see you all in London ( or where ever it is):D :D

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
paintball paul said:
I agree with sabianfan about the "1st Sunday of the month" thing. Problem is, Paintball is not etablished over here as a professional sport. People see it as a game that people play for a laugh on a sunday with a group of mates.

And only 28 teams out of 100? That is just not on. As Robbo said, it's not about the winning, it's all about the taking part. Heck, If I had the money, I would probably train every other weekend and take part in the MS. I wouldn't mind if I lost- as long as my team enjoyed it and got some experience, I would be happy.
No offense meant, but that way you will never become a sport. Being a sport is not about the amount of people that know about it, it's about the attitude of those playing it. As long as people think that playing paintball every other week is enough, it will never evolve. Only when teams train (really train, not just shoot lots) SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK can we claim to be a sport.


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Harlem, NY
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Lafonduh subsidises our paintball by selling her black-ass on the streets of Harlem, so we get as much play-time as we need. Perhaps some of you losers should try that? I hear Crystal Palace is the ideal neighborhood...

ps - Russ, your picture is so readers wives - readers daughters even - maybe you could point some of these people in the right direction, make sure they get the right kind of traffic.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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The below example explains why UK ball is a disgrace. Their more interested in looking like a clone and blowing cash on superflous goods than spending money training or going to events.

200 quid for a set of goggs!!!!! Jesus that's entry and paint for a Millennium. Maybe I've been gone too long, some of these players need a frikkin slap. Infact you all SUCK!!! (thats probably old skool too now).
